Taking Control of Our Country with Joe the Plumber

Jason Hartman plays a Flash Back Friday Episode 174, originally published in October 2013. He hosts Joe the Plumber, a conservative activist who ran for president in 2008. He explains why the Boston bomber was on the cover of Rolling Stone and then discusses his political views. He gives a reflection on the Obama administration being soft on other nations that are looking to take advantage of the US.

Announcer 0:00
Welcome to this week’s edition of flashback Friday, your opportunity to get some good review by listening to episodes from the past that Jason has hand picked to help you today in the present, and propel you into the future. Enjoy.

Announcer 0:14
Welcome to the holistic survival show with Jason Hartman. The economic storm brewing around the world is set to spill into all aspects of our lives. Are you prepared? Where are you going to turn for the critical life skills necessary to survive and prosper? The holistic survival show is your family’s insurance for a better life. Jason will teach you to think independently to understand threats and how to create the ultimate action plan. sudden change or worst case scenario, you’ll be ready. Welcome to ballistic survival, your key resource for protecting the people, places and profits you care about in uncertain times. Ladies and gentlemen, your host, Jason Hartman.

Jason Hartman 1:03
Welcome to the holistic survival show. This is your host, Jason Hartman, where we talk about protecting the people places and profits you care about in these uncertain times. We have a great interview for you today. And we will be back with that in less than 60 seconds on the holistic survival show. And by the way, be sure to visit our website at holistic survival calm, you can subscribe to our blog, which is totally free has loads of great information. And there’s just a lot of good content for you on the site. So make sure you take advantage of that at holistic survival calm. We’ll be right back. Hey, it’s my pleasure to welcome Joe wurzelbacher to the show. Now, you may not know that name, but you probably know this one. joe the plumber. You’ve heard of him. And he is a conservative activist. We’ve wanted to get him on the show for many years. And he is here today to talk to us about what he has been up to for the last five years. Since his his very quick rise to fame. Joe, welcome. How are you? I’m doing great today, brother. Thanks for having me. Well, it’s good to have you on the show. So first of all, tell us let’s just talk for a moment and remind people about your meteoric rise to fame when you met. Now, unfortunately, President Obama say unfortunately, and you asked him a question, right? What What exactly did you say to him? And now How did he respond, but ultimately, about two weeks prior to me being brock obama, my boss and I sat down to start discussing the take over the business and eventually buying from them. And that would be making payments for a very long time. The plumbing business, right?

Joe the Plumber 2:37
plumbing business, correct. And Sunday, my son and watch my son and I were watching the football game, the Bengals versus the Jets, the Jets started beating up on the Bengals pretty hard. So we went outside. We’re Bengals fans, we didn’t watch it. So we went outside start toss the football. And then a group of people who essentially ran down the other side of the road walking very fast. My son in his best friend ran down there and a couple minutes later came back and said, hey, it’s brock obama. And I really thought to myself, well, that’s kind of cool. You know, I live in a very strong union, city, largely Democrats. But you know, most of the neighbors in the area are good friends of mine. But that being said, you know, he started coming back towards us, you know, going door to door just doing some campaigning, and preparing for his third and final debate against john mccain. So they finally got us Secret Service asked us a couple different times to stop tossing, the football finally acquiesced. And I’m sitting there and he’s sitting in my neighbor’s driveway, and they’re talking, and the crowd is just going wild about them. And I’ve always thought, Man, if I could get a politician in front of me, I’m gonna make him the answer, damn question, because I always tap dance around the answers. And so that, you know, that whole thought about my boss conversation and the taxes, he was talking about having to pay for municipality taxes to city taxes, paid federal workman’s comp, unemployment, I mean, everything has been to owning a business, essentially, you know, your government doesn’t wanting you own a business, because that shows some independence. So his whole idea about tax and people that made $250,000 a year and above, really, other names, have been instructed and encouraged to succeed, if you work hard in America to succeed. That’s because it’s your work hard in America, we’re going to penalize you more. And so I went up there and asked them, I told him initially, hey, I’m trying to buy a business that makes this much. And you think it’s a good idea to text me more, isn’t it? And he came back with a very long winded answer and ultimately discovered that he was losing his audience. And so that’s when he decided he made that great statement that’s following them around now for the last couple years, is I think it’s good when you spread the wealth around.

Jason Hartman 4:44
That sounds like such an innocent idea, but we know from history, how scary that becomes

Joe the Plumber 4:50
only well, without a doubt. I mean, that’s one thing that drives me nuts is people don’t learn from history. It’s all written down for us this kind of behavior, and this He’s kind of theories have been out there for years, and they have not worked. And I think it’s very arrogant to sit there and think that you’re going to make that theory work. You know, realistically, it never works and will never work because it doesn’t encourage individual success. It encourages poverty and disruption and despair,

Jason Hartman 5:16
and that it encourages all sorts of impression to enforce it. And you know, the unfortunate thing, Joe, is most Americans just don’t even know history, they have no interest in it. They’re just,

Joe the Plumber 5:28
it’s, it’s, it’s pretty scary, isn’t it? Oh, it is, it comes back to our education system or lack of education has not been a good thing for American people, or for our young children. You know, unfortunately, our parents out there don’t invest a lot of time in their children. When it comes to history. I was lucky, my dad’s a history buff. And even after my homework was done, my dad would assign more homework to us. I was the only third grader reading the local newspaper every day for an hour a day. He really impressed upon me the importance of knowing what was going on in the world.

Jason Hartman 6:00
Yeah, yeah, very, very good points.

Joe the Plumber 6:02
Well, so how did you get your name? I mean, did the media just who the plumber after that? Or what do you know? How did that come about? Specifically, you know, the first time I saw it, it was either on CNN, or Fox News and little ticker that goes across the bottom, show a plumber in Ohio. And then one of the media sources, ended up shortening it and just said, Joe, the plumber. And so the media coined the phrase. And since then, I’ve been forever known as joe the plumber.

Jason Hartman 6:30
Yeah, good stuff. Tell us what you’ve been up to the past five years?

Joe the Plumber 6:34
Well, since my meeting with Barack Obama, and I got with a couple different organizations and would speak around the country, on the importance of loving your country and being patriotic, learning your history, voting for the person as opposed to the party, which I’m very adamant for, I can’t stand the sole republican democrat to Washington, George Washington talks about party politics killing this country. And I mean, just look at around. I mean, you know, Republicans, Democrats are constantly at each other’s throats. But anymore, it’s almost like no big time wrestling, they yell each other on TV, but I bet they’re all friends in the background. We’re really, really American people and slapping each other on the back. And so I just would speak at different events, encourage people to really look at right and wrong, and stop redefining it as it gets in the way stop, rationalize their behavior, and get involved because quite frankly, if we don’t change what’s going on, our children and grandchildren are going to have the same opportunities that you and I have had growing up. And so that’s, that’s been a big part of what I’ve done. And then recently, I’ve started a website about six months ago, and we’re getting anywhere from, you know, 400 450,000 hits a month. And I got citizen riders, you know, everyday people writing articles talking about right and wrong. And it seems to really hit a good crease, if you will, a lot of people are signing on and reading it and enjoying it and sharing on Facebook and Twitter. So that’s been going well, a couple years ago, some friends and I got together and we started a Veterans Organization up in Alaska, where we take veterans hunting and fishing and, and helicopter rides. And we really do a lot of great things with veterans, we could call an outdoor recreational therapy. And we make sure afterwards that they’re getting the benefits of you know, we’re promised to them by the government, we try to help them get jobs. It’s called Alaska’s Healing Hearts. So we work real hard on that.

Jason Hartman 8:22
Now Great, good stuff, you’ve got some really interesting articles on your website. And, and one of them, you know, that I thought that was kind of interesting, when you look at the culture war perspective, is this. And I gotta say, this doesn’t totally surprise me, but I never really thought about it before. It’s about these female teachers. And this article is, is your child’s teacher available for companionship? in quotes, tell us about that one. And I want to talk to you about these these female teachers, because this has been somewhat surprising in the news the last several years and, you know, I don’t know if it’s just anecdotal, or I’ve just happened to notice it, or it happened, you know, all the time, but was just never really reported before or what, but these, the sexuality that has come into the to the classroom, very literally, in some cases, these two articles are about different things. But you know, I’d like to kind of address both of them if we could,

Joe the Plumber 9:22
well, you know, that information we get from eg news calm, which is a great source of what’s going on in the education system from state to state. They tell you what the school boards are doing, what the unions are doing or not doing. And you know, and what some teachers are doing that are gravy and unfortunately, but a lot of your other teachers are doing aren’t so great, especially your tenured teachers. But ultimately, this article is just sharing what’s the background of some of these teachers and you know, does come into the classroom we a lot of these teachers are signed up on some of these websites to, you know, get men to take care of them for obviously sexual relations. On the backside, and you know, ethically morally, is that something that’s going to be allowed nor accepted, and you want your children being taught by women like this, that are, are going out and have no kind of really moral compass, when it comes to doing what’s right and wrong. And now your children are being one way or another, influenced by this. And that’s the argument that’s being made here. You know, I know a lot of a lot of teachers, but there’s been news stories out there that teachers were stripping, and they’d lost their jobs or a teacher, you know, years ago started in the softcore. porn and she lost her job. Now, it’s becoming pretty, I want to say commonplace, but at the same time, it is happening out there. And, you know, where’s the responsibility lie as far as the parents, the school board? And is this just something that’s acceptable? Is it something that they can do on their own private time? And we don’t worry about it when they come into the classroom? I mean, there’s there’s some serious questions, the answer.

Jason Hartman 10:55
Yeah, there are and how would you even know about it or regulated anyway? I don’t know. That’s just seems like a real difficult situation. I mean, because a lot of this stuff happens behind the scenes anyway, I mean, really what we’re talking about as a, you know, a form of prostitution, it’s not on the street corner type of thing. But it’s kind of part of the business deal if he will ever have a relationship. And it’s, it’s a sad thing. But the only way you would know about this is if you know, someone happens to see it advertised on a website. But if it just happened between two people that met know each other, you’d never know, there’d be no way to know.

Joe the Plumber 11:38
Exactly. And you have to be careful. Use the word regulate. Yeah, I know,

Jason Hartman 11:41
that I’m scared to death of anything more. That God no, no more regulations, please.

Joe the Plumber 11:47
Exactly. No, I think that, you know, it comes down to a community. If a teacher is outed for doing something like that, then I think that becomes the you know, as far as the school board’s responsibility, are the teachers and the, and the parents in that community on what they want to do. Do I think the government needs to intercede? Absolutely not. But I do think it’s important that if it comes to light that it’s handled, and a manner that is going to be best for the children, ultimately, not for the school board, not for the teachers, but for the children, you know, if it becomes an issue that needs to be addressed, but at the same time, I think it’s important to know that it is happening that is going on out there. And that’s why he ag news and info for america.com is brought out so that people do know what’s happening.

Jason Hartman 12:33
Yeah, good stuff, it’s good that you did that. And then tell us about the other article, real quickly, we’re not going to talk all about teachers and this stuff. But you know, I just wanted to touch on these two issues, because they’re, they’re kind of unusual, and they’re not much talked about, but you’ve got the other article about sexual favors from teachers.

Joe the Plumber 12:50
Tell us about that. 100. Again, we got that from ag news. And this one teacher was caught giving sexual favors to students in high school. You know, if you do well, on the baseball game, that you’re playing for our school, we’ll have sex in my car, or we all provide this kind of sexual favor to you. And, you know, thank god she was caught. You know, a lot of guys out there will sit there and go all cash wish I had a teacher like that. They’re missing the point, though, you know, I mean, because, you know, when girls are molest, older men, you know, everybody gets in a rage, and they think it’s disgusting, and then they can’t stand it. But when it happens the other way around, it kind of gets swept underneath the rug a little bit, and they don’t see it as dangerous or detrimental to that male child. And the problem here is, is it’s it’s an inappropriate behavior or one by an adult, because a lot of these teenage kids regardless of the puberty and their hormones going through the roof, and and, you know, and forgive me for being so blunt, but, you know, finding a knot in a tree, you know, it hurts them. And they don’t realize that the for for these female teachers to be predators, and take advantage of their hormones and their their confusion at that time is wrong, and they need to be punished to the strictest, fullest count that the law provides right now.

Jason Hartman 14:13
Yeah, yeah. I mean, it really is a huge double standard, isn’t it the way the law treats female versus males? In this case? No, no one expects it from a female, it’s only expected from the male to be the predatory side of the equation. Right?

Joe the Plumber 14:26
Exactly. And I think if they make an example of these teachers, these female teachers that are doing it, hopefully that’ll that’ll help keep it down. And I mean, I don’t think we’ll ever keep it from always happening. But at the same time, a lot of people a lot of reason people don’t become criminals, because prison scares the hell out of them. And I think it’s a good deterrence. And I think we need a really, really use it especially in cases like that. I mean, taking advantage of children, male or female is just disgusting, and it needs to be stopped.

Jason Hartman 14:53
Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. I’d like to ask you about taxes and regulation. You know, we can talk about your gun activism gun, right activism, whatever you’d like to talk about, really, there’s so many divergent topics

Joe the Plumber 15:06
I ran for congress and let platform really was about to, you know, bring prosperity back to this country back to America. And the way that we did it was with less regulations and less taxes. You know, it’s historically it’s been proven that it works. But the problem with less regulations, less taxes comes less controlled by the government. And that’s less controlled by the Republican Party in the Democrat Party. And that’s why you don’t see it happening. You know, Republicans talk about a smaller government and less taxes, but they never make it happen. If you look at paul ryan’s rebuttal to Obamacare at one point in time, it’s still grew government’s his budget, you we kind of back we got to back off, I mean, you and I and regular folks around the world understand that, if you have five bucks, and something costs 10 bucks, you just don’t buy it. But when it comes to the federal government, they have some kind of funky math that they think they can buy it and keep buying it, and putting ourselves in debt, and then the regulations how they kill small business, and really small business in the backbone of this country forever in a day. And yet, everything that they do kills it, I mean, from agriculture, to Born on date for your meats, you ain’t know where it comes from, that puts extra money and time on are smaller farmers and livestock producers, and some of your bigger ones that have lobbyists that can go to bat for them, you know, they’re gonna be okay. But your small businesses are getting muscled out, left and right. And that’s due to regulation in our energy prices, regular regulated, and again, may hurt the individual and business, your large businesses are going to be able to get away with it, because they’re the ones spending the millions and millions of dollars lobbying the congressmen and senators and presidents to give them the loopholes. And the republicans and democrats both won’t, won’t get rid of the loopholes. Yep, that’s

Jason Hartman 16:46
I’m so glad you brought that up, Joe, because what I think we have now led by Obama is a socio fascist government, where it’s kind of like this two pronged approach. I mean, of course, it’s more than two prongs. But the the big two prongs would be these, it would be on one side, let’s increase the socialism component, and buy votes and pay people off for voting for largely Democrats, but republicans do it too. It’s just more so with the dems. And then so that’s the one side of it. And then on the other side of it, you have the government, quote, in bed, unquote, with these large corporations. And that would be the fascist side of it, where these big corporations have just bought off the government, whether it be Wall Street, the pharmaceutical industry, picking industry, the food industry, I mean, it’s just such complete hypocrisy, that the little guy, or the small business person has any chance anymore. And in this thought that Obama is actually for the little guy blows my mind. I mean, there’s nothing he does. It is for the little guy, whether it be socialism or fascism, because both of them hurt the little guy. Oh, absolutely. Well, if you think about it, now, I just did an article on Oprah Winfrey and Jay Z. Both of them are multi million dollar people. You know, they’ve made a ton of money, they have different businesses, and they’ve made it to the very top they have made it and yet they promotes brock obama’s economy, economy, what he wants to do what he wants to achieve, which has been proven to hurt the American people, especially, especially people in their own race. I mean, the 48% unemployment, young blacks, and yet Oprah and JC are sitting there backing Obama. And it’s you know, and it’s right in Trump, it’s happening right in front of us, that it just hurts us over and over again. And yet, you know, he’ll still get the support. And the reason why that is, is because they want they know where their bread is buttered. They know where their bread is buttered. And, and that’s the thing. They’re, they’re just, they’re, they’re in an insider deal. And it’s funny how it’s kind of like you talked about the Republicans and the Democrats, they shouted each other and, you know, make a big display in the media, but in real life, they’re all part of the same conspiracy, okay, they’re all going out to the country club together and playing golf together and whatever. And this is the same thing with big business of any type. And they go on the news, and you hear them say, well, we don’t want all these government regulations. They’re impeding our business. Oh, that’s a load of crap. Because the reality is these regulations, help them maintain their monopolies. They keep new entrants out of their market. I mean, Joe, do you think you and I could start a pharmaceutical company tomorrow? No, no way. You know, I mean, you would easily spend millions of dollars to take any drug to market the FDA puts all these rules into effect is ostensibly, you know, it’s for the, for our own good, right. We don’t want people making claims of this and that and, yeah, I mean, it’s a degree I mean, you

Joe the Plumber 19:59
Don’t take that back to the EPA. I mean, anymore. I think that should really honestly, except for maybe nuclear at the most, you have before the estate issue. I mean, you realize how many Erin Brockovich types are out there now watching these businesses, making sure they’re doing the right thing. You know, the government, essentially, you know, EPA, especially, one there are unelected body that had control of the American people, that is unconstitutional. That is something that we need to get away from, because these people make up work just to keep their jobs and get paid by the American taxpayer. At the same time, they’re hindering and choking and killing the American system. And so you know, there’s no oversight by the American people, we need to bring that back down to a state level, a lot of the things that the government has the federal government has taken over, it needs to be taken back to the state level. In fact, I mentioned that in a couple articles that I wrote is, you know, it’s not Washington, DC, it’s not, you know, the United States of Washington, DC, United States of America, and the government was created by the states, the states need to take a lot of that power back. And, you know, we need to, you know, Ohio, for example, where I live, they need to guard their own and protect their own and defend their own and make sure what we’re doing in the state is right, and that’s the federal government.

Jason Hartman 21:08
Now, of course, the bottom, what do you think we have to look forward to whether it be good or bad? In so many ways, the future looks bright, and in so many other ways, the future looks really bleak. We’ve got this huge debt hanging over our heads. Do you think we have inflation coming our way? What do you look forward to in 2016? Etc, etc?

Joe the Plumber 21:30
Well, no, I’m not an economist, I don’t pretend to be anything other than what I am. And it’s a simple guy who works hard and tries to keep a little bit of what I earned. But as I travel the country and see what’s going on, from day to day, and hearing the stories of the hardship and heartache of our neighbors, and then friends, no, I don’t see, you know, as far as the recession, I don’t really see that, you know, they say that we’re out of it. But most people aren’t experiencing that. You know, as you print money, make it weaker. It’s one of the reasons why gas is still expensive. I mean, you know, years ago, back in the early 80s, mid 80s, if you will, what was a barrel of oil was about 35 bucks, and get only more that same barrel is still 35 bucks, but we got to spend 110 bucks to get it. Because the dollar has gotten so much weaker. No, I don’t, I don’t see any change in what’s going on the economy other than, you know, the rich getting richer, and that’s a republican democrat thing. It’s not a, it’s not a middle class versus lower class or anything like that. That’s really just the politicians feeding their buddies and keeping the rest of America down. And the only way we’re going to get control back over this is if the states were up and take back control of what they need to do. It’s not gonna get changed through Congress through Senate, but it will get change through strong state governors, and, and strong state representatives. And that’s how I see change taking place. Without that. My advice to most people is keep working hard to save well, lives below your means. And make sure you’re ready for whatever may come your way. Well, speaking of being ready for whatever comes people’s way, tell us about this. The zombie apocalypse survival kit. And that’s, that’s a funny, it’s a it’s a funny phrase, but actually the Center for Disease Control, finally got some attention. That was a pretty good marketing ploy. Actually, on their part, you don’t usually see that out of a government agency. But to get people to pay attention to some of these, these concerns, you know about disease, but what is what is the survival kit? Well, the survival kits, and they are 15, that we’re giving away on Joe for america.com. And it’s, we also give it 1000 rounds of ammunition away that he bat kit and a trauma kit. And ultimately, you know, we’re just having fun off the zombie deal. I mean, it’s it’s very popular right now, in the last couple years. And you know, I enjoy watching the show with my son as well. But you know, I want every American to be armed. You know, one of the things is, when I lived in Alaska years ago, he didn’t have drive by shootings, because everybody was packing, you know, and if you have a gun on you 99% of the time, you’re probably going to be safe, you know, unless you come across real, some dumb criminal. But ultimately, you’re law abiding citizens need to be armed, because that helps keep everybody safe. And that’s what I encourage gun ownership, obviously, gun safety and the right way of owning or caring for your gun. My son was raised, shooting all his life, and he knows all the safety procedures and he has some important but I want all Americans owning a gun. So we put this giveaway, to encourage that. And then being prepared for what may come your way natural disasters or, or unfortunately, you know, manmade disasters, who are some court cases and build away at popular opinion. And then people, society breaks down they start Roman Street and breaking doors and windows. It’s important to be prepared and be able to protect your family. I have three cops that write for me on my site, and they say don’t depend on the cops arm yourself, protect your family. We’re just there to pick up the body. And so I want people to be armed. Then I also want them to be prepared, if they can’t get water for four or five days, six days, you know, they’re going to have to have some kind of kit available to them either supply of water, or a way of getting the water. And it’s just important for people to understand how to rely on themselves as opposed to relying on the government, or the community. And that’s what it comes down to ultimately, you know, you’ve got to be able to rely on yourself. And that’s what built this country. And that’s what we promote, is self reliance and the can do attitude that built this country, and we need to bring it back. Yeah,

Jason Hartman 25:30
well, I couldn’t agree more, you know, they say an armed society is a polite society. And that doesn’t mean we have to live in the wild west. But when that question mark is out there, you know, criminals mind, might this guy have a gun on him, they’re gonna be they’re gonna look for another victim. And that’s the great equalizer is funny that the left side of the political aisle is always shouting about equality, although all of their policies make massive inequality, when you look at the big picture, but they’re always shouting about equality. And, and guns are the ultimate equalizer, a little old lady, with a small gun, on her person, walking down the street at night, is equal, in essence, to a big strapping gangster that might assault her or robbery or something. And you want equality, you want equal rights, there you go

Joe the Plumber 26:23
level all day long. And my mom was a waitress for many years at a couple different bars, and she carried a gun. And she had to pull it out a couple times. She didn’t shoot anybody, where she had to pull it out a couple times. It’s like these, you know, big old boys know that, hey, I mean, business. It’s two o’clock, I’m going home. And and that was the end of the story. And I’m glad that my mom period, that gun.

Jason Hartman 26:44
And guess what? And guess what? Those guys learned a lesson. I bet they didn’t they didn’t go around threatening other people

Joe the Plumber 26:52
after that. Well, exactly. Exactly. So no, I, I just encourage all Americans on guns, you know, obviously be safe about it. But it’s also a lot of fun, you know, and it also brings children and parents together, my son and I go out and shoot all the time we go hunting together. And you know, one of the and I give that to my son’s a straight A student, he’s going to graduate the senior year early, and go off into the military and in college. And you know, he’s captain of the football team, he put a lot of great things. And I really give a lot of credit to the fact that him and I spend a lot of time together outdoors doing things together, shooting together, fishing together, that kind of, you know, lead by example. And that’s it’s one of the things that brought us together is a lot of outdoor activities. And you know, I’m very proud of Amanda. My son’s becoming Sure,

Jason Hartman 27:38
yeah, yeah, good stuff. Well, hey, Joe, can we talk about maybe one more issue just quickly, and that is the issue of environmental regulation? And you’ve got an article talking about carbon dioxide, the gas of life, on your site? And what do you think is behind this whole global warming movement? I mean, certainly, there are literally 1000 arguments against that, and issues you could take up. But it’s funny how the left just makes so many leaps in logic with this kind of stuff. Yeah, but but, but of course, it’s to regulate everybody, you know?

Joe the Plumber 28:19
Well, exactly. And everything comes back to two things, money and power. With every law, they pass, it comes back to money and power for everything they try to take away from us money and power, you know, we’re losing liberties left and right because of money and power. And it has nothing to do with solutions and making America a better place to live. We’re making it to where Americans have more opportunities. Because if you look around, you know, we have less and less opportunities every day. And you know, you set yourself a leap in logic. And that’s what it comes down to. If you do your own independent research, and research, which I really suggest, I mean, it definitely look at the articles that I’m putting out, because it did, they’re, they’re not opinionated, it’s not slanted, because I want to help republicans out, you know, I’m an outdoorsman, I want clean air, I want clean water, I want to be able to make sure when I shoot my gear and bring it home and eat it, so I’m the last person that wants the environment in any way she performed would be bad. But at the same time, all these regulations that the EPA putting out are hindering business growth, they’re hindering individual liberty, and it all comes down to power. And really, that’s all it is. So with global warming, they’ve been unable to approve it all day long. And that comes back to regulations because back taxes becomes comes back to money. So it really all comes back down to money and power.

Jason Hartman 29:37
Well, it’s it’s amazing. I mean, we breathe in mostly oxygen. we exhale mostly carbon dioxide, and that’s what plants Breathe in. So isn’t that a good scenario? yet they’re saying too much co2. It first when I didn’t understand the whole global warming issue years ago. I thought I thought they were talking about carbon monoxide that comes out of your car. And I thought, well, that makes sense. But that’s not what they’re against. They’re against carbon dioxide. So the natural conclusion of that is, is that people have to go people are the scourge of the earth, people are the problem. So I guess we need some tyrannical dictator decide what which people get to stay in which people have to die, right, this really leads to an incredibly ugly conclusion.

Joe the Plumber 30:33
Well, I mean, if you looked at the science of it, you know, they talked about back in the day, I’m trying to recall all the information from this article, but ultimately, you know, they, the level of carbon dioxide is parts per million is how they talked about it. And the co2 concentration, I remember correctly, is 400 parts per million, and it has increased in the last couple hundred years, by you know, 100 to 200 parts per million. Now, if we actually try to decrease it, actually, that would hurt the environment, if we actually decreased it, if we actually did what they wanted to do, it would decrease or would, it would actually hurt the environment more so because of everything that we got planted now. You know, how the ecosystem is working? It’s, it’s, it’s leveled off and balanced. And so if we actually went with the liberal agenda, that’s not really backed by scientific proof, it would actually hurt our environment, and doing so, you know, hurt people around around the planet.

Jason Hartman 31:32
Well, in the interesting thing that the bigger question we need to ask ourselves is, okay, let’s say global warming is true. Let’s even say it’s man made. So we if we give them those two points, then the question we have to ask ourselves is, is it bad? Because I mean, think about it, that would make so many more crops. In the far northern and far southern climes, arable, we could grow more food. It’s just unbelievable. And then this whole concept of ocean levels rising, I guess, the most of the ice is in in the water already. Now, if, if nobody has ever had a glass of water with ice in it, and they just sat it on the table and didn’t drink it, and they let the ice melt eventually? Does does the glass overflow?

Joe the Plumber 32:32
No, it does. They’re very simple, common sense. The equations, you’re naked, but you talked about growing more food? Well, that would be a problem if we grew more food. I mean, right now they pay farmers not to grow food, you know, they if we were more food than the prices would drop, and that would create a problem economically worldwide, you know, and then they don’t want that. You know, God forbid that we could get our food cheaper. Well, wait a sec. Are you’re being sarcastic when you say that? Right? Yes. Okay, I’m being very sarcastic.

Jason Hartman 32:59
All right, go ahead. But the ice melting does not cause the tide levels to rise unless the ice is currently on land and melts into the water. So that’s the only way the tides would rise. But yeah, so so we’ve got those two things covered. Yeah. So more people could be fed, and and helping the environment, more food could be grown more locally, closer to the source of consumption. And and so that would that would save on transportation cost? It would be it would be very good for the environment ultimately. So yeah, exactly. You can you can see that. I mean, look at what the government is regulating. Now, we’ve got all these laws regulating everything. Now they’ve got control of the environmental politics, which means they can restrict the way you use water, the way you grow food, the way you manufacture, and a zillion other things related to environment. And more recently, unfortunately, they got control of the health care system, which means they can then say, Well, you can’t eat this, you have to eat that, or you don’t deserve this treatment, because it’s just not economically worth it. So we’re going to do a math equation on whether you should live or die, or the doctors who are just running to leave the business. I mean, literally, I’ve talked with dozens of them say that, you know, we’re going to replace them with lower quality doctors from third world countries. And unlike in England, I mean, people will just die waiting in line for treatment. It is really mind boggling.

Joe the Plumber 34:37
I mean, just to the things you just said when you’re talking about EPA and OSHA regulations, people, I can’t stress enough. Those are organizations that the American people have no oversight, we have no control. These people get to pass policies which essentially become law, which govern how you work, live and live. Are you working live, because that is unconstitutional? That is something that you know, essentially Congress offloaded their responsibilities with the reasons why we voted them, they’ve offloaded those responsibilities to the EPA. And again, the American people have no control over it. And we have to live by it. That’s wrong. And secondly, Obamacare, let me give you a little background on some of the taxes that are being exempted to in order to help with Obamacare, this is affects mostly your outdoorsman is every new arrow carbon arrow out there, once everything goes into place, each arrow is going to be taxed at an extra 48 cents an arrow. That’s, that’s a lot of money. When you get when you start thinking about it, but you know, so and then your fishermen, your fishing rods, your lures, they’re all going to have an extra 10% tax on top of that. So Obamacare affects everybody. And people just don’t realize it, because it’s not out there in the news. It’s hard to understand, it’s hard to read. And I went through the pages myself, and I think I had the heritage foundation with me to sit there and explain it to me, I was on the phone with them off and on for three days a week, three weeks, at least trying to understand exactly what’s going to happen when Obamacare is implemented. And it’s very confusing. But you know, Obamacare hurts everybody. It’s not going to help. It’s not really going to help anybody. It’s just going to hurt America more and more.

Jason Hartman 36:14
Yeah, it’s amazing. And, you know, you see all of these companies, of course, the big businesses getting waivers. Here we go with the cozy relationship between government and business and the fascism. So all of the crony capitalists are getting special deals. And it’s just, it’s just falling apart. I mean, companies, all throughout the nation, are not willing to hire full time employees because they want to be exempt from the law. They’re hiring contractors only they’re cutting hours, making everybody part time. So they don’t have to comply with all the massive regulations.

Joe the Plumber 36:50
Well, you know, I mean, be careful what you ask for this, when it comes down to a lot of these businesses cap on Obama take it was gonna be a great now you have union members out there saying, Well, hold on. This isn’t how I thought it was gonna work. And so you know, it’s a, it’s if people don’t have the proof in front of them. Now, I don’t know if they’ll ever, ever understand it in the future. But you know, this, this sweeping law called Obamacare is really going to be a detriment to the American people.

Jason Hartman 37:20
It sure is, let’s just watch it play out. And we can all say, See, I told you so to the people who are the believers in it.

Joe the Plumber 37:27
And unfortunately, it’s going to hurt us in the long run to, I tell you what, really what it comes down to, and I’ll leave you with this is, it all comes down to right and wrong? It really and that’s what my website’s about. That’s what I’ve been about all my life. I’m very black and white individual, not a lot of gray in my life. And some people can live that way some people can. And I know a rubs a lot of people the wrong way in hell, I don’t care if I offend you, it happens. But really, we got to start redefining right and wrong as it gets in our way, in Republicans and Democrats. neither party have a pitch and hold on doing what’s right or what’s wrong. It comes down to the individual. And really what if they’re going to maintain their integrity or if they’re going to, unfortunately, like most people, then when, when it gets tough. And so if people can start going back to writing wrong. And people know what it is innately. They know what it is. They just don’t like living that way because it’s hard damn work. And that’s what I told my son all his life is hard work doing what’s right. But then that does pay off. In the end that will pay off. We got to get back to that kind of thinking.

Jason Hartman 38:28
Yeah, I agree. Well, the website is Joe for america.com. And that for is fo r spelled out Joe for america.com. And the tagline as you alluded to, Joe, it’s not about right and left. It’s about right and wrong. Joe the Plumber, it was fantastic having you on the show today and keep up the good work.

Joe the Plumber 38:46
Thank you very much, brother really enjoyed it.

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Jason Hartman 39:37
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