Real America with Ben Kinchlow

On this Flashback Friday episode, Jason Hartman interviews Ben Kinchlow, former co-host of CBN’s “The 700 Club” television program. Ben Kinchlow talks about Obama’s socialism and how the US citizens can rise against it, and whether the majority of citizens are prejudiced or not. Ben also thinks that Black leaders need to stop ‘picking the scab’ of prejudice.

Announcer 0:00
Welcome to this week’s edition of flashback Friday, your opportunity to get some good review by listening to episodes from the past that Jason has hand picked to help you today in the present, and propel you into the future. Enjoy.

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Jason Hartman 1:03
Welcome to the holistic survival show. This is your host, Jason Hartman, where we talk about protecting the people places and profits you care about in these uncertain times. We have a great interview for you today. And we will be back with that in less than 60 seconds on the holistic survival show. And by the way, be sure to visit our website at holistic survival calm, you can subscribe to our blog, which is totally free has loads of great information. And there’s just a lot of good content for you on the site. So make sure you take advantage of that at holistic survival calm, we’ll be right back.

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Jason Hartman 2:00
It’s my pleasure to welcome Ben kincheloe to the show. He’s the former co host of cbms, the 700 Club television program, I’m sure you’ve heard of that. It’s been around a very, very long time. And he’s got a new book coming out called Black yellow dogs. The most dangerous citizen is not armed but informed. Then welcome. How are you?

Ben Kinchlow 2:18
Thank you very much there, Jason. Appreciate it. Thanks for having me on your program.

Jason Hartman 2:21
Well, the pleasure is all mine. I always like to give our listeners a sense of geography. Where are you located today?

Ben Kinchlow 2:26
I am located in Virginia, right about four and a half hours from Washington DC.

Jason Hartman 2:32
Fantastic. You know, I thought I’d ask you just a little bit about your background, you’ve authored two books, you’ve got a new one coming out. Tell us a little bit about your background, if you would.

Ben Kinchlow 2:41
Well, I grew up in Texas, and I grew up in the time when America was in the grip of rigid institutionalized racism and legalized segregation. I went to a segregated High School, join the United States Air Force and got a chance to travel around, see much of the world and came back to the United States, I was a member of the so called Black Liberation Front, and was right into that very seriously. Then I had a dramatic encounter one in college with the Lord Jesus Christ, who changed my life, showed what the real truth was. And shortly thereafter from a drug and alcohol rehabilitation forum, I went to work for the Christian Broadcasting Network where I was there for some 20 years.

Jason Hartman 3:28
Fantastic. So what was that called the Black Liberation Front was that the name of it,

Ben Kinchlow 3:33
it was called the Black Liberation Front. That’s what we call it didn’t have it wasn’t a specific organization. It was just a bunch of gifts, guys, who were determined to see that we’d got what we considered our legitimate rights at that time, we were going to go about it in ways that included the black Muslims, the Black Panthers, and various other not so non violent things. We were not real fans of Dr. Martin Luther King, because we didn’t have that. turn the other cheek philosophy working for us.

Jason Hartman 4:03
So did anything in particular happened when you were involved with those groups that you want to tell us about?

Ben Kinchlow 4:12
And rather, I

Jason Hartman 4:13
have to ask what

Ben Kinchlow 4:15
I’d rather not. Okay. All right. Let us just say that it wasn’t the way Dr. King did things. And so I probably owe some people, some apologies for some things I did and said back in the day, all right, no problem.

Jason Hartman 4:28
But we’ll take the fifth on that and move on, because that was a long, long time ago. So what do you think about the current state of the United States? I mean, we’ve got all sorts of invasions of our freedoms, the government is overreaching, like crazy. Obama’s stated intent is to redistribute wealth. What do you think about what’s going on?

Ben Kinchlow 4:51
Well, you know, I think one of the things that has happened is the founding fathers had in mind, a society where the individuals would be part and parcel of their own destinies. In other words, they were not designed designing a government over the people, they were designing a government of the people, for the people by the people is Abraham Lincoln’s it. But the problem is, we have gotten to the point where we have become so comfortable in America because of the incredible blessing it is to live in our country, that we just kind of turned over to professional politicians, the direction that our country is now in, we just kind of gave the management of our country over to these politicians, and we just kind of dropped out and let them run the country. And as a result, people who have different ideas of how America should function have now gotten to the position where they are making direction for our country.

Jason Hartman 5:57
You know, we talk a lot about the state of affairs on on the show. And the question always comes back in and you know, maybe this is better as a conclusion question, but I want to make sure we cover it. What can people do? What can US citizens do, to, in quotes, rise up against this socialist tendency, and all of the other things that are going on?

Ben Kinchlow 6:20
What’s the one thing that we have in this country that I think we’d have forgotten that they do not have in most of the other countries, particularly in the Middle East, and in Africa, Central South America, where you always hear about these revolutions where military coups take place, and people are rioting in the streets like they’re doing in Egypt right now. But what we forget is that the founding fathers put into the hands of the citizenry, the most powerful weapon that can be utilized peacefully, in a society, and that is the vote. I mean, you pick people. And you know, Jason, if you go back and look at it, the way the Father, the founding fathers set this up was they had the House of Representatives, and we need to understand what that means. It means representatives, people who were sent there to represent the people, and then you have a Senate, and then you have the president. Now, they have what I call the 246 rule, every two years, the house of representatives have to come back home and ask for permission from their people, the people that they are representing, to go back and continue to represent them. If they are not doing what the people think they ought to do, then they are removed from office, and new people sent in who will most closely reflect the desires of the people, then you have the Senate who is there to try to put stabilization into the government. They’re there every six years. And they are to join with the representatives to pass laws, and to do those things that are in the best interest of the people. And again, they have to come home every six years, and ask for permission to go back and continue to serve. I either called public servants. And the president, who was supposed to be the spokesperson for the American citizenry, is there for four years. And then he has to be out and back. And we may give him another chance to do four more years. But this stuff where we now have senators and congressmen some for 2030 years is absolutely ridiculous. And those people have completely forgotten why they are there. And the fault lies with the American people.

Jason Hartman 8:50
Yeah, the the concept of our government originally was that it was just supposed to be a part time thing, something you did for a short time, and then you went back to your business, but the these career politicians, I mean, all they’re looking to do is gain more power. And they they’re engaged in all sorts of corrupt activities, whether they be you know, actually technically illegally corrupt, or just morally or ethically corrupt.

Ben Kinchlow 9:15
Unbelievable. And a good example of that is what we’re having right now, Jason with this Obamacare. They specifically exempted themselves from being subjected to this, quote, plan that’s good for all American people. The if it’s good enough for the American people do, why is Congress, the senators, and the President specifically exempted from having to do what we have to do to get health care? Well, it’s such an obvious simple question that of course, it makes complete sense. But of course, they exempted themselves. They always do that they’re exempt from all sorts of things. This is this is the elite class, taking advantage of the rest of us. And you look at the window dressing on the Obama campaign was all about equality and make government transparent. And none of this has happened. I mean, this is this is the most, this has got to be the most secretive regime we’ve had running this country in decades. Well, there’s another reason for that to Jason. One of the reasons for that is you remember in the First Amendment, one of the things that Congress did, what the founding fathers did, was they established a free press, the press was not to be muzzled. And the reason they established this free press was so that the press could keep an eye on the people who are running things so that the people would know the right of the Free Press should not be a bridge. In other words, they work to find out what’s going on, and tell us so we could keep an eye on the people that we elected to represent us. And when they got out of line, the newspapers were there. And the media was there to say, hey, these guys are not doing what they’re supposed to do. Here’s what they’re doing wrong. And we say, Okay, now that we see that, let’s vote those rascals out and bring it back home. Yeah, but fortunately,

Jason Hartman 11:11
the media has become a lap dog. I

Ben Kinchlow 11:14
mean, it’s all corporatized. It’s all backdoor deals with the administration. It’s ridiculous. It is. And you know, we can trace that back to a very specific time in our history not too long ago. You remember back in the 60s when they had the free love and all this leftist movement in our guides, okay. What happened was at the end of that movement, the conservatives went into business and made this the most one of the most powerful economies, if not the most powerful economy in the world. They became successful business people, and they started businesses ran businesses owned businesses. And that’s what they did. The leftist liberals, the free lovers and the people who did not like America, those people went into two primary areas. They went into education, and they went into the media. This is why we have leftist leaning professors, and teachers, indoctrinating our children away from the American way of life. And this is why you have the media. That is essentially the lapdog of the left. And if you notice, they almost never criticized the left. The criticism is always directed to those people who would be considered the conservative or the right. We know that they like to call.

Jason Hartman 12:29
Yeah, it’s, it’s just a crazy situation we’re in. Well, your book alludes to that the most dangerous man is the informed man and not the armed man. Tell us about that. And how people can act on that concept.

Ben Kinchlow 12:43
Well, the actually the the phrase is the most dangerous citizen not on but on informed. Oh, right. Okay. You see, the problem we have is that people don’t know because the media which was founded by the founding fathers, given liberty is to be the public can be informed of what is going on. And the problem with is, when they are not aware of what’s going on, then they make actions or take actions that are inimical to their own best interest. This is why an uninformed citizen is dangerous. But the informed citizen is the one who makes the decisions that will lead us to where we really want to be. This is why the founding fathers were determined to have in an Informed Electorate. This is why they they set it up the way they set it up government of the people, for the people by the people, so that the people would be the ones who had the ultimate responsibility for making the decisions that had to do with their own well. Remember, Jason, the reasons the United States was farm was to get us out of the situation, where we had those people who were running things, telling us what to do. This is why they did that.

Jason Hartman 14:10
So Ben, it feels like the country is more divided than ever. And you see in our media, that the constant race baiting, you looked at it with the recent Zimmerman trial, George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin, you know, Obama when he first came into office, I remember there was something I believe it was in the Boston area where you know, a cop assumed that the professor didn’t live in the house or something like that. And Obama spoke right out instantly before even knowing what the case was about and it had a gun in his face. This is just a constant thing you you look at you look at people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton in there constantly like divide divide divide. Jesse Jackson son, by the way and and his daughter in law, were just sent to prison. I guess they’re they’re going to be doing some time for spending about $750,000 in campaign money on their own lifestyle, which is ridiculous. But you know, well, what do you make of this? I mean, is that only a perception that the United States seems so divided that this class envy and race baiting is always been going on? Or is it worse than ever? Now,

Ben Kinchlow 15:20
this is a relatively new thing that has sprung up. And it is has its genesis, in the fact that there are people now I know some people find this hard to believe. But there are a group of people in this groups, there are groups of people in this country who hate America. They do not like what America stands for. They have an idea that America should be a socialistic type country, where individuals lose their identity and become a part of the quote, Great Society. They do not see America, the way the founding fathers saw a country that was designed to live by principles established based on Judeo Christian biblical principles. We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In other words, we found it but the United States was founded to, to release us from the dictates of somebody who was trying to tell us how to live our lives, the King of England, and his minions. So the American people were a group of people, the only people that are trying who were given the absolute liberty to determine their own destiny. That is how America is supposed to be. Now, you have this group of people who do not like the idea of the people being in charge, they think the government should be in charge telling the people what to do. And they know that the way to destroy a country is to utilize what Abraham Lincoln said, a nation divided against itself cannot stand. So what when you use the word divide, divide, divide, make no mistake about it, this is deliberate. And their ultimate goal is to have all of these people fighting one group against the other group, so that a small cadre in Washington DC can take over and start to impose their vision of what America should be like on a bunch of divided citizens in America.

Jason Hartman 17:51
The last thing the elites want is to have the people united. They want to divide people up, they want to split them up, they want them to fight amongst each other. So they can go and implement their plans without much objection. That’s that techniques been used throughout history, hasn’t it?

Ben Kinchlow 18:08
through it has and is being used today. This is why all of a sudden, we have these hyphenated Americans, you know, we’re not Americans anymore. We’re now hyphenated Americans, we have African Americans, Native Americans, Chinese Americans, Mexican Americans. What do you call white Americans now?

Jason Hartman 18:30
I don’t know. Yeah, probably. Yeah, probably the most discriminated group in real life. This group is discriminated against the most white males.

Ben Kinchlow 18:42
So you see what so what we now have is we have all these people at each other’s throats. So now the the Native Americans are up in arms about their rights being denied. The Mexican Americans are now saying, Hey, I rice, a big denied, African Americans are marching in the streets and our rights have been denied. And everybody now is at each other’s throats, you know? And, and of course, before long, white Americans gonna have to say, Well, wait a minute, we can’t put up with this very long. So we’re going to have to form our own groups. And so now they’re going to start saying, okay, it’s us against them. This is the ultimate goal of these people who want to destroy America and take away our liberties and put it in the hands of a centralized government. That’s exactly what they’re doing. And I have to congratulate them. They are being in order to be successful in this strategy.

Jason Hartman 19:33
Yeah. It’s unfortunate that they are. Tell me what else he covered in the book, if you would.

Ben Kinchlow 19:38
Well, my book is the ones coming out now. It’s a book called Black yellow dogs. The origin of that phrase yellow dogs is back in the days when Al Smith Catholic was running for president. The Democrats in the deep south decided, hey, we’re gonna vote for him. Now one of the guys who was voting against Smith’s opponents said no, how can you vote for him? Yankee and a Catholic the booth. And they said, let me just tell you, I would vote for a Yellow Dog if it ran on the Democratic ticket. And this, unfortunately, is what has happened in the African American community in particular, they vote Democrat, despite the fact that they are in, believe it or not, they are diametrically opposed to the Democrat in democrats in some very key moral issues. And yet, when the time comes to vote, they all vote Democrat. Now, that is why I say the most dangerous citizen is not armed, but uninformed. They really don’t know what the democrats stand for. And so they end up voting for them, despite the fact that they don’t agree with them and some moral issues.

Jason Hartman 20:55
And it seems like the democrats are just exploiting, exploiting exploiting some of these groups that they pretend to represent. I mean, it’s unbelievable. I mean, how you just got to wonder how people can be conned, so easily. I mean, these these black leaders like Sharpton and Jackson, they’re not representing a constituency. They’re just they’re just profiting from this whole thing being sensationalistic, and then the Democrat Party in general. I mean, they’re not helping the people they say they’re helping. They’re making them weaker. They’re making them bitter. They’re making them poorer. It’s simple. Unbelievable. I mean, you take inflation you if you look at just spending, when you look at the way, I mean, the right does it too. I can’t say much good about the right side of the aisle either. Okay, nowadays, because you know, a lot of them are rhyno, Republicans, etc. Republicans in name only, but when when you look at the the left, the left is known for overspending more so than the right. Okay, I think that’d be a fair statement. They both overspend, in my opinion. But that overspending causes inflation, and it causes higher taxes. And what those two things do for sure, as they hurt poor people the most, not directly, but indirectly, because wealthy people, they profit from inflation, they know how to invest, they know how to accumulate debt, against high quality real estate properties and, and have inflation pay that debt off, essentially for them by debasing the debt and causing the asset value underlying the debt to appreciate wealthy people profit, they know how to profit from inflation, poor people are hurt by it, the price of gasoline goes up, they’ve usually they usually don’t live in the areas in which they work. Most of them are commuters, if they’re working at all. And so they’ve got they’ve got to pay for all that gasoline, to commute to their job. It’s just unbelievable. They just they just have no idea. You know, the problem is, is the devaluation of the currency over and over and over again, it’s just making making the the poor and the lower middle class, poor and poor and poor. And that’s what the left is doing. Well, I

Ben Kinchlow 23:09
think what people need to understand is that when you start, you know, you talk about this, but this is not the key issue for them. They’re not interested in that, you know, excellent explanation you just gave about how the currency and inflation and devaluation of the dollar, what they are doing with spending. And the reason that there are spending like they’re doing is because they are in effect, buying people people’s loyalty? No, of course, he’s down. And and that is why the they have actually, the White House is actually conducting a drive to increase the number of people on food stamps. Now, why would the United States government be increasing their payouts to people because they can buy votes? I mean, either jack Andrew, pandering is disgusting. Everybody knows that. It’s the democrats who want to give you more freebies, while the republicans want to take it away and put you to work. And so people are growing up nowadays, you have children having children, and the the illegitimate birth rate in African American community is skyrocketing somewhere in the 70% range. And people saying, Well, you know, wait a minute, wait a minute, if I vote Republican, they’re going to take away my food stamps, my medical care, my yada yada yada and so why should I vote for them? And so this is why and now the Hispanics, illegal aliens who are coming here are now also being made eligible for these benefits. So this is what the leftists are doing because they know they can form this formulate this division between the Quote have, and the quote have nots, which is exactly what they’re all about doing. It’s just crazy. It’s just

Jason Hartman 25:07
crazy. Let me give you one example. Just quickly on that currency issue. In 1964, the minimum wage in the country was five quarters per hour, okay, a buck 25. But it was the quarters were silver. And so if you melt those five quarters today, they’re worth $26 and 21 cents and melt value, you know, of course, that fluctuates every day, but approximately $26, but minimum wage is not $26 per hour. So you see how this is this progressive impoverishment of the lower classes. And then of course, the government that creates the problem in the first place comes in with the, quote, solution, unquote, to the problem like food stamps, like you mentioned. And it just, it just makes people more dependent, and it makes them poor. And it makes them need to keep voting, it’s a way to build in a voting bloc forever. It’s not it’s we don’t need to fix the minimum wage, we need to fix the money. The money is the problem, the devaluation of the currency through spending. That’s the problem.

Ben Kinchlow 26:11
Well, I mean, you can you can, it doesn’t matter to you, whether you evaluate the currency or do anything else with the currency, money has to be earned. It has to be earned by producing something that society can use. This is what causes this is what made America the greatest country in the on the face of the earth, individuals working for their own benefit, and producing products that other people could buy. And as a result, we became a economic powerhouse. Now, what is happening is, we don’t have the workforce working anymore for themselves. Now we’re talking about the division between the rich and the poor, the haves and have nots in America, and the have nots are increasing exponentially, because the government going into enormous debt is subsidizing the growth of the so called have not,

Jason Hartman 27:09
you know, what I always found funny, Ben, is is the the concept, the fact that liberals own the concept of compassion in most people’s minds, you know, it’s just unbelievable. And and the question I would ask is, how compassionate is it for this generation, to be greedy to get all this free stuff they want from the government, whether it be free health care, food stamps, whatever government benefit, and basically what they’re doing is they’re robbing it from their children and their grandchildren. I mean, that’s not compassionate to make future generations poorer. If you saw a parent doing that, being selfish with their children, so they could go live live the highlife, you would call that parents selfish. But the fact generationally, that’s exactly what we’re doing. We’re stealing from future generations, by spending

Ben Kinchlow 27:59
precisely but the people who are doing that have no concern for the future generations, what they want to do is they want to transform America, from the land of the free and the home of the brave, they want to translate it into a country where a few people at the top are ruling. And in their vision, they have this so called equality that exists between all people, no more rich people in America, no more poor people in America, everybody in america is now equal. And everybody is living in exactly the same level.

Jason Hartman 28:35
And you know, that’s been tried so many times throughout history, and it always ends in massive oppression, killing. I mean, it’s just unbelievable. It’s like, why do we keep trying the same thing that has been proven throughout history and throughout every geography on the planet, not to work?

Ben Kinchlow 28:53
Because every generation that comes along with this, quote, new idea, thanks. Okay. We saw what they did wrong. We’re not going to do that wrong here in America. We’re going to do that right this time. So that’s why we’re going to have a better society for all people than those people had in the past, but it just poured by friends ain’t gonna work.

Jason Hartman 29:16
Yeah, it ain’t gonna work. It never has. Well, Ben, give out your website, if you would, and tell people where they can learn more about you and follow your work.

Ben Kinchlow 29:24
Go to Ben kinsel. That’s B and k i n, CH ello, Wk And you can find out about we’re going my new book, black yellow dogs is going to come out in September, the 10th that will be published and you can find out where to buy it. And you can find out all about the other things we talked about. Include you don’t have to you don’t want to in my autobiography, plain bread. So you get all those on my website. Ben cancelo. calm.

Jason Hartman 29:58
Fantastic. Well, Ben, thanks so much. for joining us today and keep keep getting the word out and helping people be informed about this stuff very important.

Ben Kinchlow 30:05
Well, Jason, you keep doing that man. And thank you for having me on your program to be a part of what you’re doing. Great job. Keep it up.

Announcer 30:15
Thank you for joining us today for the holistic survival show, protecting the people, places and profits you care about in uncertain times. Be sure to listen to our creating wealth show, which focuses on exploiting the financial and wealth creation opportunities in today’s economy. Learn more at www dot Jason or search Jason Hartman on iTunes. This show is produced by the Hartman media company offering very general guidelines and information. opinions of guests are their own and none of the content should be considered individual advice. If you require personalized advice, please consult an appropriate professional information deemed reliable but not guaranteed.