One Team Humanity Foods with Carla Lee Johnson

Jason Hartman plays a Flash Back Friday Episode, originally published in February 2014. He hosts Carla Lee Johnson, Founder and President of One Team Humanity Foods. They look at the food industry and how it is changing as a result of social media, specifically Pinterest. She gives us some facts that most people are surprised about when they learn about nutrition. Further, she explains what to look for on food labels. She ends by explaining what a flexitarian is and how certain vegetarian products have more benefits than meat.

Announcer 0:00
Welcome to this week’s edition of flashback Friday, your opportunity to get some good review by listening to episodes from the past that Jason has hand picked to help you today in the present, and propel you into the future. Enjoy.

Announcer 0:14
Welcome to the holistic survival show with Jason Hartman. The economic storm brewing around the world is set to spill into all aspects of our lives. Are you prepared? Where are you going to turn for the critical life skills necessary to survive and prosper? The holistic survival show is your family’s insurance for a better life. Jason will teach you to think independently to understand threats and how to create the ultimate action plan. sudden change or worst case scenario, you’ll be ready. Welcome to ballistic survival, your key resource for protecting the people, places and profits you care about in uncertain times. Ladies and gentlemen, your host, Jason Hartman.

Jason Hartman 1:03
Welcome to the holistic survival show. This is your host, Jason Hartman, where we talk about protecting the people places and profits you care about in these uncertain times. We have a great interview for you today. And we will be back with that in less than 60 seconds on the holistic survival show. And by the way, be sure to visit our website at holistic survival calm, you can subscribe to our blog, which is totally free has loads of great information. And there’s just a lot of good content for you on the site. So make sure you take advantage of that at holistic survival calm We’ll be right back. It’s my pleasure to welcome Karla Lee Johnson. She’s the founder and president of one team humanity foods and managing member of the truth movie LLC. Carla, welcome. How are you?

Carla Lee Johnson 1:49
I’m awesome. How are you?

Jason Hartman 1:51
Well, thank you. Where are you coming to us from today? I like to give our listeners always a sense of geography.

Carla Lee Johnson 1:56
Sunny Newport Beach, California. Well,

Jason Hartman 1:59
I lived there for many, many years. I was just there a couple of weeks ago. Fantastic. Well tell us first of all, if you would about the truth movie, because I think that will lead into one team humanity foods pretty well give us a little background.

Carla Lee Johnson 2:11
Great. Well, the truth movie is a film that’s come out, it’s a message to humanity of a major download that I received in 2006, that basically redefine who we are, and what we’re here for. And it really is basically the possibility of getting rid of the existing systems which are designed to enslave us and move us into more truth and begin to live what we were actually created to be in that is connected, interconnected and aligned to pull some ways of living and being with one another.

Jason Hartman 2:49
So tell us about some of those systems just quickly, if you would

Carla Lee Johnson 2:52
got it. Well, this is gonna this could be definitely longer than 15 minutes. So basically, you know that I’ll go ahead and I’ll help all appointed. No, most of us know that, you know, from cradle to grave, we’ve been programmed into systems that have us in many, many instances serving things that really are about putting food on the table, and not really about what we were created to be. So those systems are created by a engineered program. And I actually went in and saw the matrix and saw how everything was stationed down and really saw that, you know, when we create these new models, humanity is hungry and waiting for them. And so rather than fight against the existing system to really, our new paradigms are about actually creating them and finding ways to begin to support them. Because when we do things that are of service to humanity, humanity knows that and humanity comes

Jason Hartman 3:50
so what are you talking about the career world? Are you talking about? government, the Federal Reserve I mean, we cover these topics quite frequently on on my different shows. So I find a very Yeah,

Carla Lee Johnson 3:59
the we’re talking about all of the systems we’re talking about the governmental systems, the money systems, the health care systems, the education system, they are all part of the contrived matrix that is designed to enslave us and it’s designed to from cradle to grave keep us thinking outside of not thinking outside of the box, but thinking inside of the box that we were basically conditioned and programmed in to

Jason Hartman 4:24
talk to us a little bit about the issue with our food supply. That’s certainly a system that affects us all. And we have between you know, it used to be all about pesticides and then it became about you know, the hormones and the processing of food and now GMOs it’s like we have one thing after another it seems like a no it’s about all of these things but GMOs the new the new hot topic, if you will, with food production. What what what are the some of the problems here?

Carla Lee Johnson 4:54
Well, you know, of course, for me coming into the food business and creating a product It really truly is just basic ingredients from Mother Earth. And then doing more research. I’ve been doing studies on water for many, many years, and being a very strong advocate for the toxins and the neurotoxins, etc. But coming into food, I recognize on so many levels when I started researching and digging in deep, that GMOs are really hugely a part of and directly linked to a pandemic of disease that is now facing us, as humanity. So I think that these are, I mean, for me, knowledge is power. And I don’t know how many of our listeners are really dug deep, but just eating a 33% GMO diet has been linked directly to the rise in disease and death, to been directly related to cancers in the mammary glands for women and renal cancers and men, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ADHD, and the list is continuing to grow. As we’re gaining more and more studies, there’s a recent study that was just published out of Europe, and they’ve actually put a moratorium on GMOs in Europe, because of this study. So I think it’s just really important for us to recognize that it’s not just GMOs in our food, there’s a lot of deceptive labeling. And, and really, truly until we begin to vote, voice, or so as I say, into our money and our decisions, and you know, ask our, our manufacturers to begin to be aware of this, we’re not going to see change. So you’ve got a double edged sword, it’s about bringing knowledge into your own family system, and then beginning to move that knowledge into a voice that can be coming united voice that we can create substantial change and demand for change in our world.

Jason Hartman 6:54
And just for the you know, a few of the listeners that may not be familiar with this, GMOs stands for genetic genetically modified organisms. And that’s making it easier and more cost effective for manufacturers to produce food. But again, many people are concerned about dangerous side effects. Now to play devil’s advocate here for just a moment. And I’d like you to distinguish this for the listeners, because for a long time, I was thinking, what is the big deal hear about this GMO stuff? I really didn’t get it because I thought, you know, I remember from my, my classes in school, my science classes, even in junior high hearing about, you know, the way they modified and bred plants together. And, you know, a red rose and a white rose gave you a pink rose and, and all of this stuff. I mean, that’s been going on for a long, long time, you know, a couple hundred years, I guess, at least, and certainly, you know, people have combined dog breeds for eons to design the dog they want. But this isn’t really the same thing as it. Tell us what GMO is today.

Carla Lee Johnson 8:01
Well, a genetically modified organism what it was actually created to be and who’s behind this is largely, the Monsanto I just wrote a blog, I said, let’s round up our knowledge on GMOs because what the organism was traded to do is it’s a systemic transmutation of a basically a fake modified food. And so what they’ve done is they’ve created these plants that are absolutely not resistant to the pesticide Roundup, which we’ve done tons of independent studies on, and we know that they’re directly linked to killing us. But now these modified organisms, were actually ingesting them and almost everything we eat, they’re in oils, they’re in corn, soy 90% of the crop. They’re in sugar. They’re through sugar beets, they’re aspartame, they’re a pious, they’re in canola, cotton. They’re in our dairy now. So there’s so many areas that unknowingly these GMOs are deeply, deeply impacting our health. And I’ll make this quick. But they’re in this study that I referenced a little bit ago, they took rats, which had an average life of 36 months. And they gave them they wanted to isolate Roundup, and they wanted to isolate GMOs. Now, the FDA only requires 36 months of testing. And of course, that testing is required by who gets to Monsanto or who is the manufacturer trying to sell us these products. So but what they discovered is that what didn’t show up until about the 37 or 38 months, and what started happening is as these rats were developing tumors, and genetic, just dispositions of disease, they started recognizing, as they began to earn autopsies, exactly how these GMOs were affecting the anatomy of these rats, and how that ended up equating at the end of That study is the symptoms are showing up in eight and 10 year old children with mortality rate 600% higher in adults 40 to 50 years of age. So raising our babies on soy milk and thinking that soy milk and all these other things, because of these fancy and crafty ad campaign is really, truly moving us into the grave much sooner, even though we are exercising now and trying to be conscious about what we’re putting into our bodies. You know,

Jason Hartman 10:32
a lot of people, though, say that this stuff isn’t really proven yet. You know, I know that the Europeans are they seem pretty progressive about the whole thing. But the rest of the community in the US says, Well, they’re you know, nothing is proven that this is bad. I mean, you know, people are, you know, on the other side, they say, show us some some real hard evidence that this is a threat. Yeah, I’m sure you’ve heard that. Your thoughts.

Carla Lee Johnson 10:56
Yeah, there is real hard evidence. And we also have to look, we’ve talked about the systems, we started up this conversation talking about the system. If we look who owns the media, and we look who’s behind the lobby, and we look behind and we start connecting the dots, it’s very clear to see that the people that are telling us that there’s no evidence are the ones who are directly benefiting from the things that are killing us. And there is direct evidence, there is lots and lots of support. And we’re putting up the links on our site, and I’ll be happy to send them forward to you for your listeners, because it is absolutely imperative that we stop telling people lies, this information has been well documented now, in very, very, very non biased research. And so we can’t ignore the facts anymore, and we cannot not listen, because we have irrefutable facts now to specifically speak to the fact that this is documented, and it is killing us.

Jason Hartman 11:54
What do we do about it, just vote with our pocketbook is that it with our purchasing?

Carla Lee Johnson 12:00
You know, first thing to do is to know what foods to avoid. And then begin really thinking about your decisions because you go out and eat a bunch of french fries. And those potatoes are GMO, and the oil that they’re being fried in are GMO. And, you know, as much as we love these things our bodies have become addicted to at one level and depleting sugar. It’s really important for us to recognize what they’re doing. Knowledge is in fact, power. And just let’s get let’s get in United Front together, and let’s get them laced up and let’s do our homework and let’s stop eating these things. And yes, let’s vote with our dollar.

Jason Hartman 12:34
Can you explain anything about why like what happens with this GMO stuff? You explain these these these side effects? If you will, I can’t think of a better phrase than that to use maybe, maybe you have one. But they’re they’re awful. what exactly happens though, in the body? And, you know, when we consume these things, I’m just, I suppose maybe it’s different for every type of GMO. But I’m I mean, you know, certainly, it’s, it’s been understood that what pesticides do to us, for example, what Roundup, which is another evil, Monsanto invention, and all of that, you know, people people know that’s bad. I mean, it’s obvious, it’s poison, and poison is bad. But what happens in the body with the GMO? Like, why is it bad? Is there any more information on that I sort of think people would be more activist about it, if they understood that the,

Carla Lee Johnson 13:31
you know, if we, if we really broke down, and this is really in my mind, what our media is responsible to be sharing with us, of course, we’re not receiving that. But if we really break down and start looking at it, there’s so many facts. And what they basically do is create an incredible inflammation in our system, our bodies were designed to eat things that were created by Mother Earth, who created all of the entire world for us to begin to enjoy and the minute sciences started messing with Mother Nature, we have lots and lots and lots of results to say that, you know, we have been absolutely affected. If we look at just the rise in cancers, it’s up 356% in our babies in their brains, and a lot of that has to do with emfs. and cell phones in many countries are banning them. It’s just in our busy, busy life. That’s part of the system. It’s designed to keep us so distracted that we don’t have time to dig deep enough to connect the dots, and then begin to say enough is enough. And you know, when enough of us start waking up, that’s when we’re gonna start seeing change.

Jason Hartman 14:42
Very interesting. And then I mean, when you say all of that, I mean, you’re not anti science. Certainly you believe that science has done some good things too, right?

Carla Lee Johnson 14:50
Well, of course I mean, when man aligns his heart to his mind, then he’s absolutely connected to the infinite but when man has been linear training To believe the science that came before him, and he’s being fed by a federal grant, which is many scientists today, then in fact, how can you live by us when your rent and your wife and your children or your husband and your children life or in your mind or your perception, welfare actually depends on it? We really, in order to move to pure science, we need to be in full service to humanity, regardless of the results of what’s been covered.

Jason Hartman 15:31
Right, right. Unfortunately, though, that’s just the way it’s always worked. I mean, you know, even 100 years ago, someone was funding something to discover something. And we have that problem then too, right? I mean, it may be worse nowadays, because the scale of this is so so much different than it was in the past,

Carla Lee Johnson 15:50
it does feel a little overwhelming at times. I agree. I’m in the thick of it. And so I can share that from my heart for sure. It gets like, you know, so frustrating. But I can tell you that really, truly Yes, for as long back as far as history has given us, we’ve been indoctrinated into these systems. However, there are many, many, many, many things, thanks to the internet, that’s now connecting the dots. So we can no longer be isolated when we can no longer claim ignorance because truly, there’s way too much information out there. That is one piece of information after another confirming. So the people are the ones who are bringing this information out because they are committed to making sure that we all start connecting these dots. And I think we’re going to see a new world very, very, very shortly, because I think many of us are over the lies. And we’ve seen it and we know it in our heart of hearts that we’ve been lied to. We know that our government is not there to protect us. I mean, you’ve got the head tax attorney, and appointed as the FDA and the USDA czar, there were 14 appointments by Obama, from Monsanto. I

Jason Hartman 17:04
know, it’s, it’s unbelievable. I mean, it’s like we really, we really live in a fascist country, the big corporations are all in bed with a government, they’ve got their lobbyists, they’ve got their PR firms, they’ve got their scummy lawyers and accountants whether you know, I’m using a wall up more of a wall street example there, maybe, but it’s it’s just unbelievable. I mean, they’re running the FDA. They’re running the Agriculture Department. They’re they’re running the Department of Education, the Department of Transportation, it’s just everywhere. It’s

Carla Lee Johnson 17:33
think of, yes, it’s unbelieving up. And so you know, what we’re going to do there, I’m working with people directly, that are actually creating the new models that are creating anti gravity, it’s already here. You know, we’ve had interest denying it and actually killing people to make sure this information doesn’t come out. But I can assure you, it’s coming out. And what we just need to do is stay with our ears and our hearts open. And make sure we’re in these conversations and make sure we understand we’re actually creating a future we’re choosing or not. And so we can, in my mind, no longer ignore this stuff. Because it’s become, it’s gotten to a critical mass. And it’s really, truly affecting look at how many people are out of work today. Look at how many people are hungry. There’s our government seemed to care. So it’s enough for me to see this. And that’s why I’m speaking out against it. That’s why I’m committed to creating food and media that matters. So that we can all start getting this stuff and sharing it with each other and just really waking up and saying that’s it game over?

Jason Hartman 18:36
Well think thankfully, we have the internet, but they’re trying to control that too. And, you know, you never know what’s misinformation and what’s not out there in that perspective, either. So it’s certainly a challenge. We’ll give out your website and tell people where they can find you, Carla.

Carla Lee Johnson 18:49
I said, Well, the truth site is www. The truth And nut burgers is you can read all about us. And our mission, which is actually donating 100% of the net proceeds to feeding hungry hearts and tummy. So I actually am walking my walk. And that website address is www. Nut burgers with an ASP. NET

Jason Hartman 19:13
Fantastic. Well, Carla Lee Johnson, thank you so much for joining us today.

Carla Lee Johnson 19:17
It’s been a pleasure. Have a blessed day.

Announcer 19:22
What’s great about the shows you’ll find on Jason is that if you want to learn about investing in and managing income properties for college students, there’s a show for that. If you want to learn how to get noticed online and in social media, there’s a show for that. If you want to know how to save on life’s largest expense, there’s a show for that. And if you’d like to know about America’s crime of the century, there’s even a show for that. Yep, there’s a show for just about anything, only from Jason or type in Jason Hartman in the iTunes Store.

Jason Hartman 20:13
Thank you for joining us today for the holistic survival show protecting the people, places and profits you care about in uncertain times. Be sure to listen to our creating wealth show, which focuses on exploiting the financial and wealth creation opportunities in today’s economy. Learn more at www dot Jason or search Jason Hartman on iTunes. This show is produced by the Hartman media company offering very general guidelines and information. opinions of guests are their own and none of the content should be considered individual advice. If you require personalized advice, please consult an appropriate professional information deemed reliable but not guaranteed.