Election & Trump with Wayne Allyn Root

Jason Hartman interviews conservative American author and radio host Wayne Allyn Root. Wayne shares that his book, Trump Rules, is a bit of a side-by-side of what Trump’s Rules did for Trump and what it did for him. They discuss the possibility of Trump 2024, a Trump TV show, and whether state lockdowns work.


Announcer 0:01
This show is produced by the Hartman media company. For more information and links to all our great podcasts, visit Hartman media.com.

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Welcome to the holistic survival show with Jason Hartman. The economic storm brewing around the world is set to spill into all aspects of our lives. Are you prepared? Where are you going to turn for the critical life skills necessary to survive and prosper? The holistic survival show is your family’s insurance for a better life. Jason will teach you to think independently to understand threats and how to create the ultimate action plan. sudden change or worst case scenario. You’ll be ready. Welcome to holistic survival, your key resource for protecting the people, places and profits you care about in uncertain times. Ladies and gentlemen, your host, Jason Hartman.

Jason Hartman 0:59
It’s my pleasure to welcome Wayne Allyn Root back to the show. He is the founder of Winning Edge former libertarian VP nominee, multiple number one best selling author, including the new book Trump rules, learn Trump rules and tools of Magus success and wealth from the greatest warrior and winner in history. Wayne, welcome. How are you doing?

Wayne Allyn Root 1:23
Hey, Jason, let me show everybody the book actually, it’s a beautiful cover. And I think it’s worth seeing. And so Trump rules. This is my new book. And it’s very, very, very unusual. And I guess that’s what this interview will be about. It’s not the typical person writing a book about Trump. This is my lifelong association with Trump and what it did for me, the book is really like side by side, what Trump’s rules did for Trump, and what Trump’s rules did for Wayne Rooney, a little son of a butcher for the wrong side of the tracks with dead end street and on the Bronx border line. And it changed my life. I’ve been studying Trump’s I’m 18 years old, at a freshman in college. And I really do believe that every miracle of my life has come from studying Trump and modeling Trump and using the Trump rules, which I’ve kept notes on for 40 years, and finally put into a book.

Jason Hartman 2:14
Well, what’s interesting is that, you know, before half the country decided to hate him for whatever reason, they’ve decided on that, you know, he used to really be a role model. And people looked up to him and thought that was a great model of success. It’s amazing what he accomplished. I mean, I remember I read his his most famous book, The Art of the Deal when I was 24 years old. And it really helped me think bigger and expanded my thinking. And I thought it was fascinating. So when this book came out,

Wayne Allyn Root 2:42
Let me give you a quick example of what you just said. I was giving a speech on wealth and success, American style. in Johannesburg, South Africa, I used to speak all over the world, politics on business and sale. And I gave a speech in Johannesburg, South Africa, it’s far away. And I’ve been to Johannesburg. 2024 hour plane flight normally is like the world. And that’s the lead item fly to Atlanta from Las Vegas. So really a 27 hour day.

Jason Hartman 3:09
I did that flight from I think I live from Cape Town or Mundo maybe we live from Johannesburg to London, and then London to LA x. So it’s a long flight long way.

Wayne Allyn Root 3:20
And I remember on the way back from the speech to the airport, they the conference hired a limo for me. The limo driver was a of course black, South African. And he was sitting in the front seat listening to radio, and they were talking about Donald Trump. This is 2015. And Trump was just announced he was running for president. And I said to him, you care about American politics? And he said, Oh, only because of Mr. Donald Trump. And I said, What do you know about Donald Trump in New South Africa, black limo driver living in poverty in South Africa? What What do you know about Donald Trump? Oh, my gosh, I want to be rich one day, I want to own limousines. He’s my hero. I watch his show apprentice every single week. And you’re the luckiest people in the world. He will be President of your country, and he will make you prosperous. Just like he’s helping me to think and be prosperous. And I thought that’s the next president united states. I know that’s that’s that’s rest was history.

Jason Hartman 4:18
Now, isn’t that interesting? Compare that to this leftist tripe about you know, he’s a racist and all of this stuff, right? All of this social justice warrior. Political correctness, silliness, right. Versus you have when you get out of the country, and you have a black person who thinks Trump is a great model of success, right that’s that’s just unbelievable versus you know, these millennials that have been brainwashed by the you know, college government debt enslavement complex here we have in the US in the in this crazy school system. We have these world leaders prematurely congratulating Joe Biden what they’re really Doing as congratulating themselves, because now they know there’s a, there’s a sheep in the White House, potentially, you know, someone that will just roll over and sell Americans out and sell their jobs down the river with bad trade agreements, Trump wouldn’t do that. And that’s why they didn’t like him. Because, you know, he, he was really, you know, the American people liked him, the ones that get it, right. But But, of course, the other side of the table that you’re negotiating with your opposing party, whether it be China, or the EU, or NATO bloc or whatever, right? They know that Trump wants the best deal for America. Right? That’s the one thing it’s hard to doubt is that he loves the country.

Wayne Allyn Root 5:44
Well, you mentioned, you know, those on the other side, and Americans like drop, blah, blah. Here’s the two sides. What’s interesting is, and it’s not exact, of course, of course, there’s some exceptions. But for the most part, every human being I meet, that is illegal American citizens born in America or legally came here, and they work for a living, and they pay taxes, or they own their own small business is for Trump, 90% or more. And every person I need, who’s on welfare, food stamps, disability, not because they’re disabled, because they don’t want to work. Right? If they’re on one of those categories, they don’t like Trump. So the entire opposition is all the people of Americans now over 100 million Americans who collect some form of a welfare check. They’re all against Trump. And all the people who work for a living and pay into the system are for Trump. Yes, really that clear? That’s the dividing line. It’s not white or black video. Well, it’s white against black. It’s really not what it is, is anyone who works against anyone who doesn’t work. And it’s anyone who’s legal and born here, or came here the right way, versus all the illegal aliens. That’s the demarcation line that

Jason Hartman 6:56
I think there’s actually more to it than that. And I think you’ll agree, but that is certainly a big segment. Absolutely. But additionally, it’s those who can benefit those in the corporatocracy like, you know, Biden is going to appoint, you know, an Airbnb executive to his cabinet. Right? Well, what do you think the legislation is going to be in terms of Airbnb? Right? It’s gonna be favorable to them, obviously. So it’s, it’s anybody who’s on the take. Right? Right. It may be on the take in terms of welfare, maybe on the take in terms of corporate welfare,

Wayne Allyn Root 7:30
or government contracts.

Jason Hartman 7:32
No, yeah. And there’s one other class of people, there’s these like, you know, people, number one, these sort of elitist leftist people who really can afford to be hypocritical, right? There’s the tech monopolist. And then there’s the the guilty group, you know, who thinks that like America is evil, and this is a wicked country, and

Wayne Allyn Root 7:57
I grew up you know, I went to Columbia, Christie. Remember, that’s my whole story is that I was a sob son of a butcher on the wrong side of the tracks, graduated valedictorian, not because I’m smart, because I worked my ass off, and hustled and got straight A pluses and studied when other people were doing drugs and party. And that’s the whole key to life. You know, that’s in my book, Trump rules Trump teaches he’s the hardest working man I’ve ever seen. Look at the lesson from this election. If it holds, sadly, tragically, and I don’t know if it’ll hold. If there’s anyone who could overturn what happened. It’s Trump, but the odds are long, you know, because you’ve got the courts against you, and the judges against you and all the law firms against you. But a good lawyer outside Sidney Powell and Lynwood. There’s no good lawyer in the entire country that will represent Trump because they’re all afraid to lose all their business with government contracts and government people. And so they’re all afraid of the repercussions of being blackballed. But the reality is that it’s all about hard work and down the homestretch. Here’s the sad lesson. We learned down the homestretch during the whole campaign but down the homestretch as well. Joe Biden was hiding in the basement with a mascot never out there never campaign. He’s the only person in history that actually want us to believe he got the most votes in history without campaigning. 10 people showed up to stretch Trump after beating COVID within JS he’s out and about i j with 50,000 people 25 inside and 25,000 outside to get in. And you expect me to believe that man who works his butt off for the United States of America and risked his life after COVID working like a dog 24 hours a day doing super human events from early morning to evening, and one over the respect of the American people you want me to believe that man lost to the guy who was hiding in a basement in Delaware that wouldn’t come out. And when he did come out at 10 people rallies and couldn’t speak three sentences without losing be confused and losing all connection to reality. He’s got dementia. Everybody knows it

Jason Hartman 10:06
That is really an objective statement you just made by the way, it’s not a partisan statement. It’s just those are just factual statements. The Biden election if it happened, when we don’t know yet doesn’t pass the sniff test.

Wayne Allyn Root 10:21
No, no, no, it just doesn’t 1000 levels. By the way, just let me give you two more than so fast sniff test in my lifetime, and I’m now 59 years old. In my almost six decades of life, I’ve never gone to bed with a republican losing and finding ballots overnight by the 1000s. And winning. Any republican that loses on election night loses. But somehow we’re supposed to believe that Democrats are always losing an election night, and they find hundreds of 1000 mysterious ballots the next day and the next following days. And three weeks later, there’s a winner. You know, Trump was leading by mile in Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and suddenly there’s millions of ballots down out of the blue showing up advance in the middle of night. Impossible. Number one, number two, it’s impossible that Biden without campaigning, got the most votes in history more than Obama. He can’t even speak you got more than Obama impossible. I’m trying to be nice to Democrats. And last but not least, he absolutely the newest studies out, Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton everywhere in the country, except the four cities run by 100% democrats who came up with a million ballots in the middle of the night to be Trump, Philadelphia, that they stole Pennsylvania, Detroit’s they stole Michigan, Milwaukee, they stole Wisconsin and Atlanta, they stole Georgia. That’s the only place he outperformed Hillary, by a mile by over 70% more than Hillary was in four cities that gave four states to Biden that determined the election. And he was losing all four of those states until those cities manufactured hundreds of 1000s of ballots the middle of night. And here’s one more. And every one of those places in those states. Republicans won everything else except the presidency, which means they’re going to rush to fill out a million ballots in the overnight stay just checked, Biden, and they signed Biden and they signed right and never went down the ballot.

Jason Hartman 12:16
I know. That’s so suspicious. Like why wouldn’t you vote at least for a few other things? Besides that a lot of things don’t pass the sniff test. There’s no question about it.

Wayne Allyn Root 12:28
Let me tell you some I told everybody this for the last few days because of the Trump rules I’ve studied for all these years, 40 years since I’m 18 years old college 41 years, I’ve studied Donald Trump and model Donald Trump. One thing I knew from day one, everyone expected him to concede the pressure is so enormous to concede and not admit it was a stolen election, not look like a bad loser, not ruin his legacy in his reputation, just walk away and start a TV network, which is probably what a wind up doing. If he loses his will start a TV network. It’ll destroy Fox News. And it’ll be the number one TV host in America.

Jason Hartman 13:02
And I hope Fox News might have destroyed themselves already stretched themselves don’t have a couple of great hosts. There’s no question.

Wayne Allyn Root 13:08
And I stepped to be on Trump’s TV network. So believe me when I tell you, if he forms a TV network, I expect to be one of the stars of it.

Jason Hartman 13:14
Go back to your prior comments. It is you know, I didn’t I didn’t mention it before when we were talking about what his campaigning but I cannot believe how much energy that man has 774 years old. He has an incredible amount of energy. I mean,

Wayne Allyn Root 13:30
I think I have a little too. So I think that that’s really it is about energy. I’m telling you those with energy succeed those who don’t have it, don’t and you go away and you’re born with it. No, you’re not you manufacturing. No one has ever hustled more than me, or worked harder than me to be the person I am. For the last 40 years. I’ve worked out two hours a day in the gym. And every once in a while I miss a day and I’m saying maybe 10 times a year. I miss a data 360 plus days a year I might work out 350 so I miss 10 days a year on those days. Subconsciously I forgot I got a quick I had something to do. I never worked out. around four o’clock in the afternoon I go, Oh shoot, why am I so tired. I forgot to workout today. The difference is unbeliev. I take 100 vitamin pills a day, all of them having to do with energy. And I work out two hours a day and I eat the perfect diet. That doesn’t slow me down. So I’ve worked hard my whole life to have energy. It’s not natural. Yeah, manufactured it. And without energy. People don’t want to be around you. When you have energy. You plug into your electric socket, and they want some of what you’ve got

Jason Hartman 14:38
A lot of that injury energy comes from passion and belief too. And that’s certainly true. Well, you know, let’s, let’s switch gears now and talk about where do we go from here? Things are up in the air. Certainly we’re gonna know by December at the latest. Okay, you know, what happens next, Wayne?

Wayne Allyn Root 14:57
Well, I mean, we either find out the truck was The election was stolen from Trump and he’s got the goods. He’s got the proof. If you if you listen to his attorneys, Rudy, he’s only got three main attorneys to get by anybody. So three people are running the whole show even though he needs hundreds. He can’t find any law firms, the United States and represent Trump because they’re scared of being blackballed and losing their business. So he’s got Rudy Giuliani, he’s got Sidney Powell, who’s general Flynn’s lawyer, and he’s got Linwood, the great class action lawyer, who I believe is a billionaire, as Atlanta, Georgia, Georgia, presidents brilliant lawyer in America. And the three of them swear, they’ve got hard evidence that the election was stolen, we’ll look, we’ll find out, I can say, I’ve said in my earlier tweets, my partner posts, which is now becoming much more popular than Twitter, if you’re trying to leave Twitter, go to parlor, pa AR le AR, and I’ve got 60,000 fans there in a matter of weeks now. So I’ll be 100,040 years out. So partners much better than Twitter, and they let you say whatever you want. They’re not conservative. They just do not, you know, ever edit or censor speech, whatever you say, other than threatened violence, you’re allowed to say. And so that’s good for conservatives.

Jason Hartman 16:06
And so I’ve said, Look, what that’s good for anybody actually, should be good for everybody. It is. But that’s not the way the left would view it.

Wayne Allyn Root 16:15
Right. The owner of Parler was on my show a few weeks ago, and I asked him, what’s the breakdown of conservatives versus liberals, even though you’re not a conservative platform. He said, we’re a free speech platform and anybody can talk liberal conservative communists, I don’t care what you are, you have a right to speak. And we’ll never censor you. But our breakdown is like 80% conservative. So when you give free speech, conservatives come when you limit free speech, liberals go to Twitter, it’s all liberal. Now. That’s the problem. Twitter, it’s all liberals out to destroy conservatives like me. So the point of my conversation was that parlours good, you can get your message out. And I made the post, I put out the post that I put the message out at parlor several times the last week. Look, you all know I love Trump. You all know I believe in Trump, you will know I think Trump was great for America. And this was a tragic mistake to go back to the Obama Biden economy. But there’s only one way he’s gonna overturn the election. Does he have the evidence? Yes or No, this is this is not about debate or good talker. This is crew, either. However, you know, and I hear Giuliani saying I have it. I hear Linwood saying now that I hear Sidney Powell saying they haven’t show it to the American people stop saying you’ve got it, we want to see the evidence.

Jason Hartman 17:30
But remember, even even if they expose everything prior to exposing it in court, right, which could be a risky strategy. You know, that’s the typical thing, you know, most lawyers will tell you, right, I can’t discuss it because there’s pending litigation, well,

Wayne Allyn Root 17:46
then they better have the goods in court. That’s all I’m saying. But get over or you better present in court fast. But don’t tell me how that of you know, because I don’t want the hype. But I don’t want the hyper ball. I just want to know that the election really was stolen, you’ve really got the evidence, you really got witnesses, and I want to know what’s going to be overturned. Don’t tell me about it. Show me. So either show me a person on the media or show me in court, but they better have the real goods, when they’ll all look like fools. That’s all I can say.

Jason Hartman 18:17
Yeah. And the reality we live in, sadly, is that whatever evidence they produce, will not be shown on the mainstream media, right will continue to its, you know, to say the narrative that there is no evidence, they’re just going to keep doing that.

Wayne Allyn Root 18:33
So the number one rule of my book, the number one chapter was winning is everything that’s in trouble. He’s coming in second, out of 12 million people, you’re a loser, he only wants to win. And yet, if you’re a risk taker, you know, to win, you have to be a risk taker. When you take risks. Sometimes you lose Trump’s lost a lot his life. So my number two chapters fail your way to the top. And that’s what you know, Funny enough, the proof that I follow the Trump rules is my career has been exactly like Trump. I’ve achieved miracle after miracle in my life with the Trump rules. But I’ve also failed a lot. There’s no way you can’t fail. If you’re a risk taker, not every business works. And my first book in 1997, was called the joy of failure. So I’ve been following this philosophy for all these years, the second chapter in Trump rules is failing your way to the top, Trump has failed like 100 times. But what the media doesn’t acknowledge Jason, is that it’s because he’s succeeded 900 times, if you’re 904,000, you’re bad. 900 you go to the Hall of Fame. And the media doesn’t recognize that I list all those failures, but I list all the monstrous successes. So chapter ones about winning, he’s the best winner ever. Chapter Two is about losing and failing. He’s one of the biggest failures ever, but he failed his way to the top. You need to understand that in the real world to be successful. The third chapter that’s as

Jason Hartman 19:50
I always say, Wayne, by the way, you know, if you want to succeed more often it’s a pretty easy equation, just increase your failure rate.

Wayne Allyn Root 19:57
That’s it, you know, be the same thing with with hate. You know, if you want to succeed more often make sure more people Hmm. Because if you don’t talk, everyone loves you. But as soon as you have an opinion is like haters out there, which, by the way, by the way,

Jason Hartman 20:10
let me just mention that okay, with the left just will not compare and they forget all the time as Do you know how many people hated Gandhi and Martin Luther King and changed the world. by so many people, they have encountered incredible opposition and hatred. So this is no different.

Wayne Allyn Root 20:34
That’s what and that’s why you’re a disrupter. Jason, my third chapters, the most important one, it’s called screw the critics. So after winning is everything and then fail your way to the top. The third one is screw the critics. If that doesn’t describe Trump, after 40 years of knowing environment, hit him a, you know, a bull’s eye. You know, the more you criticize him, the more he says Screw you, and He gives you the middle finger. He couldn’t care less what only Ed critics think. Because critics note no statues ever been built to honor critic, men and women who fight and ignore the critics. And don’t worry about the odds. And that’s why Trump’s the winner. And so he’s the only guy that ever could have withstood the pressure to not concede or I should say the pressure to concede and not concede, and he’s the only one ever that would have lasted this long. And I think you’ll fight all the way to the end. What happens after that is up to the Supreme Court, not up to me or Trump. So if he’s got the goods, he still could be the only guy in history to ever overturn it. Number two, he could be the only guy who ever leaves the presidency and builds a better career after the presidency. If he loses, then that would be a defeat for all of us. Bad for capitalism, bad for entrepreneurship, bad for business and the economy and jobs. If he’s not the President Biden, Kamala Harris says nightmare for all of us. That’s the Trump rules. He’s always got to win. There’s always an out. And there’s always a way to win. And anybody can develop these rules. And I wrote the book to prove to you it’s not Donald Trump. It’s Wayne Rooney against Donald Trump and I use the rules. And this little son of a butcher pulled off all these miracles myself because of studying and living and modeling these rules.

Jason Hartman 22:11
Yeah, Wayne, give out your website.

Wayne Allyn Root 22:14
Sure. It’s a route for america.com route r o t. for Americans calm. That’s what I do all day fight route for this country. But more importantly, Jason is amazon.com because that’s the place to get all the books nowadays is nowhere else to go.

Jason Hartman 22:27
Should we be scared that Amazon I mean, they’re already censoring people, Amazon censors people to them. And Jeff Bezos hates Donald Trump,

Wayne Allyn Root 22:36
Which lets me sell my book. And it’s number one, a lot of categories. So, you know, that’s the thing about me, I’m like Trump, Trump can hate you. He hates Fox News. And yet, they asked him to come on fox and friends will be on this morning. I hate GFP cells, like you hate Amazon. But yet they’re great at selling books. And as long as

Jason Hartman 22:53
I’m just I’m just talking about the big picture,

Wayne Allyn Root 22:58
I know. Forget about Trump, the Amazon’s ban for entrepreneurship. He puts all the little guys out of business. It’s terrible. But but it still is the only mechanism now platform that allows you to sell your book and become a best seller. And so I’m like Trump, I’m a pragmatist and a realist, and I go for it, and I use it. And hey, I’m using him. And he’s using me, he hates Trump.

Jason Hartman 23:19
But in the big picture, Wayne, we ought to be concerned about that.

Wayne Allyn Root 23:23
Because given all of the business, Jason they’re all no good. Walmart, you know, go back 20 years, number one Corporation in America to be undecided conservatives and republicans, Walmart. Fast forward to today. They couldn’t stand us they support Obamacare. They’re bad news. They hate Trump to all these companies are giving money to black lives matter that has nothing to do with black people has to do with communism and Marxism. And bringing down America and keeping men out of the role of head of the household. Black Lives Matter is a terrible organization,

Jason Hartman 23:53
because they’re trying to make people more dependent on government.

Wayne Allyn Root 23:56
That’s it, that’s it. That’s the whole goal. So so they’re all troublesome. And they’ve all given their money to Black Lives Matter out of extortion, and intimidation, and being scared to death of a nationwide boycott of their company. But they gave money to the very people his goal in life is to destroy capitalism and bring their company down. They’re fools. They’re paying the devil the enemy to take them down.

Jason Hartman 24:18
So I’m concerned about all big business, especially big tech. And I mean, that’s especially the one

Wayne Allyn Root 24:23
They censor me every day. So I understand that Jason, believe me, no one knows better me. I have 126,000 fans on Twitter. And at this very moment, we do the interview. I’m suspended by Twitter, which is insane and you know why they suspended me? It wasn’t because I put a tweet out that said something terrible or threatened violence or, or said something disgusting about someone. I put out a tweet and said, it’s very obvious that all over the country lockdowns for COVID are coming again. And they didn’t work anywhere in the world. They’ve never worked anywhere in the world. A lockdown and a closure of the economy can never kill a germ just as many people get sick. But you kill the spirit of the people and you destroy the entrepreneurs and the small business owners and the restaurant owners. Don’t do it. It doesn’t work. They suspended me for that tweet, they said misleading, medical information believable. No, the facts are lockdowns don’t work, never have worked. And every state that lockdown in America before is having a massive resurgence.

Jason Hartman 25:21
And it is it is, you know, forget about the issue at hand. But the issue is big tech, the fact that you have no recourse you cannot sue them and hold them liable for that is absolutely wrong.

Wayne Allyn Root 25:37
That’s Trump’s biggest mistake. His two biggest mistakes By the way, I love him. And he’s like hero doesn’t mean he’s not human. He’s flawed like everyone else. He made two terrible mistakes in his four years. Everything else I love. He never managed somehow, some way any way possible to get voter ID for federal elections. We wouldn’t want this election by a landslide, if you can prove someone was really the person voting. So you didn’t have dead voters and fake ballots and homeless people voting in multiple states and illegal aliens voting by the millions. He never got voter ID and he never stopped big tech, you should have broken up big tech or stopped them from the minute you censor somebody for political reasons, you lose that license to no longer be sued and that protected status. He had to get that accomplished in four years. And he never did. And that’s one of the reasons why we lost. That’ll be the reason they sent us down the homestretch. So they’re the two.

Jason Hartman 26:35
Yeah. Well, Wayne, thanks for sharing this with us today. And it’s good to talk with you. Thank you.

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