Coronavirus & Ebola Parallels and Work From Home

Jason Hartman discusses the on-going pandemic crisis and how there are accelerations in many industries. Money is moving at a rapid pace. Jason talks about work from home and other aspects of life as a result of the pandemic in our personal habits and behaviors. Later on the show, he discusses the similarities between Ebola and Coronavirus? He hosts guest Dr. Lee Hieb Libertarian Candidate, Dr. Lee Hieb, to give her professional opinion on Ebola. They discuss solutions to COVID-19 and what could have been done to alleviate the situation. Dr. Heib goes into the Libertarian Party ideas and attitudes and discusses their importance to society.

Together, they discuss some of the potential solutions to alleviating the situation, as well as considering what could have been done better at the point of an outbreak. Hieb also talks about changing attitudes to her party and why these are so important.

Jason Hartman 0:00
Welcome to the show. This is Jason Hartman, your host and every 10th episode, we do something kind of special kind of different. What we do is we go off topic so regardless of which show it is on the Hartman media network, whether it be one of the financial shows economics, real estate investing, a travel, longevity, all of the other topics that we have every 10th episode, we go off topic, and we explore something of general interest, something of general life success value. And so many of our listeners around the world in 164 countries have absolutely loved our 10th episode shows. So that’s what we’re going to do today. And let’s go ahead and get to our guests with a special 10th episode show. And of course, on the next episode, we’ll be back to our regular programming. Here we go.

Dr. Lee Hieb 0:56
Welcome to the creating wealth show with Jason Hartman. Your To learn a new slant on investing some exciting techniques and fresh new approaches to the world’s most historically proven asset class that will enable you to create more wealth and freedom than you ever thought possible. Jason is a genuine self made multi millionaire who’s actually been there and done it. He’s a successful investor, lender, developer and entrepreneur who’s owned properties in 11 states had hundreds of tenants and been involved in thousands of real estate transactions. This program will help you follow in Jason’s footsteps on the road to your financial independence day. You really can do it on now. here’s your host, Jason Hartman with the complete solution for real estate investors.

Jason Hartman 1:46
Welcome to Episode 1421 420. I have got some statistics that will blow your mind and increase your bank account. Yes. Some silver linings to the world’s current events that are going to really really benefit our listeners, our investors. So stay tuned for that. But I wanted to first share I love when I wake up and hear something like this. And I checked my phone and think, Oh gosh, it’s another thing I’ve got to do, right. But you know, not always, sometimes you get a really nice message like this from one of our listeners. This one is from Jeremy. Jeremy, thank you so much for the kind words. And here’s what he said.

Jeremy 2:35
I Jason, I suspect you’re getting inundated with these types of messages. But I really wanted to say thank you for all the ways you’ve enriched my life. I started listening to you about four or five years ago, and without that I would be in a much worse place than I am now I’m sitting in a nice position with the real estate holdings as a result of your education. So I’ve been to several conferences. I came to Hawaii with the mastermind group

Jeremy 2:59
That one time, unfortunately, I can’t come in the future just currently just because of timing, but, but I’ve just really enjoyed it and just wanted to express my thanks. I think you’re a great sinker. More importantly,

Jeremy 3:12
you’re a great communicator and educator of those thoughts. So thank you again, like,

Jason Hartman 3:17
hey, Jeremy, thank you so much. I really appreciate the kind words and we’ll keep all of those good research and all of these good ideas coming your way. And if you’re listening to the show, and haven’t reached out to us yet, we’d always love to hear from you at Jason Hartman comm slash ask comments, questions, criticism, we take criticism too. We don’t take it very well but we take it just getting no constructive criticism is always appreciated as much as anything. Listen, I don’t know everything. We don’t know everything on the show. My guests don’t know everything. So if you’ve got other thoughts that you know, disagree and you know will make us think, please share them Jason slash ask, okay, those mind blowing statistics. Are you ready? Are you ready for this? So based on Google search volume, you know when those people go on the line, and they ask the Google, that’s from a movie.

Jason Hartman 4:20
But when they go online and they search, the search volume, the monthly search volume after the past 15 years for the phrase, work from home, okay, work from home. Here are the stats on that. Now, as I’ve been saying, especially since the corona virus outbreak, the surveys of sickness. The home is the center of the universe, and it is becoming more and more so. home gym equipment is selling like hotcakes. If you’re in that business and you listen to the show you already know Congratulations, yes, you are making a fortune right now, home office equipment, home desk, chairs, anything for the home office or the home gym, those things are selling really well. And this leads to increased demand for housing. Like I’ve said before, if someone is in a roommate situation, or they’re a couple, and they divorce, it doubles the demand for housing double, and 84% of Americans live in urban environments. And my prediction that will come true. I’m so confident in this prediction, by the way, that there is going to be a mass migration to suburban living where people can socially distance Okay. Wow, just get past this little crazy time. Now. Don’t let it get to your head. Remember yesterday’s show My four pieces of advice number one, stay calm. Number two, keep good counsel. That means listening to the show. Number three, keep your eye on the ball on the big picture, the long game. We are going to get through this possibly in five or six weeks. I mean, like, these things come and go pretty quickly. Of course there will be lagging economic impact. I don’t deny that I don’t live in a cave. Okay. Overall, the trend is really good for real estate investors who have been following our advice for the last 16 years okay. And it’s only going to get better in terms of demand for the type of housing, you’ll find at Jason Hartman calm slash properties, or our investment counselors will help you with that. Okay, number four, so stay calm. Keep good counsel. Keep your eye on the ball. Number four, take action. Don’t let current events freak you out or panic you follow your game plan. A lot of You entered a few years ago, our five year plan contest, and you submitted some great videos and we picked the winners at our annual meet the Masters conference. Hey, who knows how many conferences we’re going to be doing in the future, right? industries are changing. Money is moving around. And we want to help you capture as much of it as possible in this in this time of change. So, but at our meet the Masters we announced the winners of those video contests, hopefully all of you who are listening right now, and you did a great job, stick to your plan. Keep your eye on the ball. Okay, so Google search volume for the phrase work from home over the past 15 years, has, of course, shot through the roof. You know, the famous concept of the hockey stick graph. Well, this isn’t even a hockey stick. It is literally a straight up line. The search volume for that phrase has absolutely skyrocketed. Okay, so If you look at it back in 2005, up till you know, it kind of increases during the Great Recession in 2009. And I’m looking at a graph here. So I’m just trying to visualize it for you. It’s a Wall Street Journal graph. And then it goes down again, in probably the lowest point in about middle of 2010. Okay, I guess that’s maybe reflective of people getting back to work. I’m not sure as you know, coming out of the Great Recession. It goes up a little bit shortly after that in the latter half of 2010. And then, you know, it’s about the same and then 2016. Interestingly, there was a spike in the search volume for work from home. And I don’t know was that the Trump election or? I’m not exactly sure what that would be attributed to. And it’s been a little higher since you know, technology has allowed people to work from home of course, more conveniently, but with recent events, just in the past month or so. That work from home search volume has shot through the roof. In fact, it goes up to the highest point on the graph, which is 100. Okay, the normalized amount being around 20 to 25. This is above 100. And it broke the graph. Okay, so millions and not millions, hundreds of millions of people, hundreds of millions of people, possibly even billions of people are interested in working from home. Let them rent that home from you. Now, maybe next week, I’m going to share some other amazing statistics with you don’t have time to share them all now, because we’ve got to get to our 10th episode show today, and I’ll tell you about that in a minute. But I want to talk to you about the number of Americans that are sort of eligible to work from home. How many of those jobs are coming be done at home? How many of those people are eligible to work from home? And how will that not affect you but benefit you? Because now, everybody in that crappy little one or two bedroom apartment, guess what? They need more space. Okay, if they’re going to work from home, they need more space. And guess what? Their kids, if they’ve got grown kids may not be going back to a university. And if they’ve got younger children, those kids might be homeschooled. Okay, another prediction I’ll make, we’re going to see a huge increase in the home schooling trend, okay, as people want to keep their kids safe. So times they are changing.

Jason Hartman 10:42
Okay, as long as that Bob Dylan, I think so that times they are changing and they really are. So all it takes is us being aware of these changes and positioning ourselves our investment portfolios and our mindset, so we can take advantage of them later. Really good things coming out of tragedy all the time. Okay. So hopefully you are staying well staying home socially distancing. Hopefully you live in suburbia already, because suburbia is coming back in a big way, in a big way. And hey, a lot of you have responded by the way, speaking of work from home, to my tax sale promotion, this is a side hustle where you can make money in the tax sale business. You also learn more about real estate naturally in doing that, and a lot of you have purchased that program, you’ve been getting my emails, if you haven’t been getting those if you’re not on that email list by for example. Reach out to us at Jason Hartman comm slash ask and say that you want to know more about the tax sale, business opportunity where you can make a part or full time income, working from home. Again, doing tax sales and being involved in that side of the real estate business. Okay. And that’s not an investment by the way. That’s more of a business. It’s more of a, you know, a side hustle a home based business opportunity. Okay? So check that out Jason slash ask, let us know if you want more information about that. And we’ll get it to you and every 10th episode show, we go off topic, we discuss something of general interest. And today we’re going to do something we’ve never done before. Hey, amazing, crazy times lead to changes, we got to make some changes. So what we’re going to do today is we’re going to play for you a 10th episode show, and it is a 10th episode show that I grabbed from a interview I did on my holistic survival podcast. As most of you know, I’ve got many, many different podcasts out there, a whole Podcast Network on a variety of subjects. Well, my number two show for many, many years was the holistic survival show, the tagline protecting the people, places and profits. You care about it. uncertain times, I started that show during the Great Recession, when people were very uncertain about things. And I’ve mostly focused on the economy. But of course, everything is related to the economy. So you’re going to find this episode that I’m about to play for you very interesting and how it has so many parallels to what’s going on today with the pandemic. And this is about Ebola, which thankfully, we don’t have to worry about a bola and most of the world, in the developed world, at least. But what you’ll find is that everything the guest is talking about with me, is surprisingly parallels what we’re reading and hearing about on the news today about the hospitals about the infectious disease issue, and all this kind of stuff. Thankfully, coronavirus is not as infectious as Ebola or measles or smallpox. So any of those, you know, really, really scary diseases. This one is much less scary. Okay, as we know, and, and hopefully we’ll get it contained with our flattening the curve and socially distancing. And by the way, as an aside, there are some really interesting conspiracy theories, maybe, maybe not a conspiracy theory, maybe actual fact, we don’t know about herd immunity and the government’s reaction and maybe intentionally being less careful than some of us might think they should be based on the goal to develop herd immunity. So we’ll probably talk about that on a future episode. Or maybe maybe I’ll talk about that on the holistic survival show. Alright, without further ado, let’s get to this episode recorded about 10 years ago, which is totally applicable today about infectious disease. And listen as I talked to the expert, and kind of boring Bring it to mind with what you’re hearing and reading in the news today. Okay, here we go if you need us, our investment counselors are here for you, Jason or one 800 Hartman, feel free to call us there. And let’s listen to this episode of the holistic survival show.

Announcer 15:16
Welcome to the holistic survival show with Jason Hartman. The economic storm brewing around the world is set to spill into all aspects of our lives. Are you prepared? Where are you going to turn for the critical life skills necessary to survive and prosper? The holistic survival show is your family’s insurance for a better life. Jason will teach you to think independently to understand threats and how to create the ultimate action plan. sudden change or worst case scenario. You’ll be ready. Welcome to holistic survival, your key resource for protecting the people, places and profits you care about in uncertain times. Ladies and gentlemen, your home Jason Hartman,

Jason Hartman 16:03
welcome to the holistic survival show. This is your host, Jason Hartman, where we talk about protecting the people, places and profits you care about in these uncertain times. We have a great interview for you today. And we will be back with that in less than 60 seconds on the holistic survival show. And by the way, be sure to visit our website at holistic survival calm, you can subscribe to our blog, which is totally free has loads of great information. And there’s just a lot of good content for you on the site. So make sure you take advantage of that at holistic survival calm, we’ll be right back.

Announcer 16:34
What’s great about the shows you’ll find on Jason is that if you want to learn how to finance your next big real estate deal, there’s a show for that. If you want to learn more about food storage, and the best way to keep those onions from smelling up everything else, there’s a show for that. If you honestly want to know more about business ethics, here’s a show for that. And if you just want to get away from it all and need to know somebody About world travel. There’s even a show for that. Yep, there’s a show for just about anything, only from Jason Hartman calm or type in Jason Hartman in the iTunes Store.

Jason Hartman 17:15
It’s my pleasure to welcome Dr. Lee heap to the show. She is Iowa’s Libertarian candidate for governor. And she is a practicing orthopedic surgeon, she has become kind of the go to person on the subject of Ebola. We’ve got to think is this hype? Or is it a real threat that we all need to be very concerned about? Lee, welcome. How are you? Well, very good. Thank you for having good, good. It’s good to have you. And we tried our interview before on Skype and the connection just wasn’t working so well. So we are on a cell phone and we’ll do the best we can with sound quality here, Ebola, real threat or a lot of hype?

Dr. Lee Hieb 17:48
Well, it is a real threat. I mean, right now, I think we’re all holding our collective breath to see how many people pop up with this. It’s bad disease for which we have no vaccination and no treatment, except supportive care. So we can take care of the onesies, twosies, you know, the Eric Duncan. But the problem is if it starts spreading like wildfire, we’ve got problems. And, you know, we have a lot of really smart people in the CDC, they really do know how to take care of this. The problem is we’re the people that are in charge of the CDC, and many government agencies are political, and they’re choosing to be politically correct and not really choosing the right medical answer. You know, I just, I just tweeted out the link on my tweet, tweet about the CDC article on quarantine. You know, the problem is, when you have no treatment for a disease, the only way you can get it under control, something that’s bad is to stop the transmission. And that means stop the movement of people. It’s just got to be done. You know, it’s absurd to say that you’re in self isolation, like there’s doctor in New York and the self isolation consists of going in the subway and then going bowling. I mean, you have to ask yourself, what’s not self isolation, vomiting and Macy’s. I mean, it’s just the cert so we really have to have to and, you know, it’s it’s not. I’m a libertarian, I believe strongly in libertarian principles in the Constitution. But you don’t have the right to threaten somebody with a baseball bat even if you don’t hit them with it. You can’t just keep swinging at them. And essentially, that’s what you when you’ve been exposed to something like Ebola and let me tell you the bioterrorist threat that is the most fearsome smallpox. So if we can’t handle this, this should be a knock on the door, we have to have a system in place for dealing with these things, because they’re out there. And they’re bad guys that want to get hold of them. And in this case, they can get a hold of the agent. Now for most Americans, let me just tell you, I’ll tell you what I’ve told my boys about smallpox and possible lesser degree, it’s true about this. If this really starts cropping up in multiple cities, personally, I would stop flying for a while. And the way you protect yourself is simply not going to the area of outbreak and not being in transit where people with the outbreak with exposure this isn’t something you need. ducting the windows flying is the same as cruise ships. I mean, a cruise ship would be dangerous as well. Right? Yeah. I mean, if there’s really an outbreak that’s not under control, I purposely wouldn’t go on mass transit. That’s That’s exactly right. That’s the first thing I would cut down. And you know, the solution, Liberia, this is a sad part, this could be solved in Liberia, what they need to do is, then you just shut their borders, not not to people coming in and giving them help from the outside, but to them flying out. That’s that’s just common sense. And then the second thing is they need to stop transportation between cities and towns. And then in those towns where the bolts that are considered hot zones, where the bullet is, is raging, you stop transportation between households, and the role of the international community really, in my opinion, this is just my my plan. But this is true. This is the tried and true plan we’ve used over centuries. If then we bring medical care and food to your house, you don’t move. So people that you know we could we could supply food and hazmat suits as to the rest of the international community and let people be cheap. taken care of in their homes, but don’t don’t have people laying out foraging for food. That is what’s doing clauses thing to keep continue, this would burn out in two months, if we just that’s how it used to be when it was just in the jungle, it would just burn out in a couple months or less, and it would burn out because

Jason Hartman 21:13
the people who have it when they die,

Dr. Lee Hieb 21:15
they would die. And you know, the sad truth is we can’t make Liberia first world medical facility in the time it would take to solve this problem. So what we have to understand is, and to some extent, we can’t even save our own people, you know, look, we’ve had, I think we’re up to 24 Doctors Without Borders, I think 16 are dead. So, you know, the problem is those who are going to die are going to die, those that are going to live are going to live but then it’s going to be done. It’s not kinder to fail to quarantine people and let this kill thousands, you know, couldn’t agree more, of course Stop it now.

Jason Hartman 21:48
Let’s talk about the treatment side of it. There is no treatment and no cure. But we’ve had a couple of recoveries haven’t we?

Dr. Lee Hieb 21:55
Well, you know, your ability to recover. I mean, they had done one I shouldn’t say there’s no treatment they have done well. on treatment now that seems to be helpful in that they’ve taken blood transfusions from people who have survived the bowl and presumably have antibodies to it. That makes a lot of sense, you know, how many how much of that was available? That’s the question that helps them again, when you have one or two victims on if you have thousands. You know, I suspect that our survival in America is going to be much better than in Liberia based on sanitation and health, General nutrition. So our immune function is better. You know, it’s just like, you know, George Washington survived smallpox because he was just a tough dude. And he had a great immune system. And people in the old days, I mean, the healthier you are, the better chance you have a surviving and people have certain quirks in their immune system that may make them more susceptible or less susceptible, but it’s right now it looks like this particular outbreaks about 50 to 55% fail What can one do to strengthen their immune system? Well, actually, you know, I have a I don’t have to do this, but I’m also fellowship trained in anti aging medicine and that’s kind of my my new career path and my big hobby. My semi retirement but basically, and I have a book coming out called called surviving the medical meltdown, which is getting what to do when you don’t have a doctor available in the future because I’m afraid that the medical system is out on the bridge collapse. But the whole center of that book is exactly what you said is how to how to be as healthy as you possibly can. And I’m gonna tell you, if I had to pick one thing to tell people, the biggest it seems to be one of the miracle hormones we have is vitamin D, it’s not really a vitamin, it’s really a hormone. And if you you said D. Dog, yeah, do d3. It turns out that almost everybody is low, unless you happen to be a native, you know, Aboriginal that lives on the equator and wears a loincloth, your D levels are low. You know,

Jason Hartman 23:46
in other words, because that person that Aboriginal spends a lot of time in the sun, right, that’s fine. Yeah, but the problem is the sun the sun has bad side effects to like skin cancer. So we’re getting the D from not only not just son is a good idea. Right?

Dr. Lee Hieb 24:01
Right. And honestly, we just don’t live a lifestyle that that would work for. It’s not just about the hours in the sun. It’s also that if you take baths, it takes the oils out of the skin and there’s lots of different things. A friend of mine who played 18 holes of golf six days a week in Arizona, where you are, yes. He, he, he basically his D was 20, which is really, really low. And, you know, and he wouldn’t believe me until I kept telling him, you should take vitamin D No, no, I was like, Oh, well, I didn’t work. So I take 10,000 units a day. It’s been shown there’s never been an overdose at 10,000 units a day of vitamin d3. And in the Japanese study they did about influenza. They showed that having vitamin D levels elevated, was more protective than the influence of accede. Now, influenza vaccine is a virus also. And presumably, I mean, it just seems to be that people that their D levels are up had less diseases, including cancer. It turns out you get your vitamin D level over 55 and your your risk of breast cancer goes down by 83%. You know, we never hear that from the government agencies. But the truth is, there’s a lot you can do to make yourself healthy. And that’s probably if I pick one thing of an IV, vitamin d3 actually heals the telomeres the ends of your DNA, so you have less replica replicated mistakes. So I get all my patients on that. I have another show that I’m just launching called the longevity show. And I am actually I had my telomeres tested because I you know, I’m interested in doing research for my show. And fortunately, according to my telomeres, I’m a little younger than I really am, which is good news. But I started taking ta 65 which is one of the other things they say you can do to lengthen the telomeres.

Jason Hartman 25:44
I’m not exactly sure about that yet, but but it is it’s fascinating.

Dr. Lee Hieb 25:49
Oh yeah, no, this is well, yeah, no, that’s very interesting. And I’ve thought about doing that. But I’m not convinced about the drug. You know, I mean, if I were convinced about the drug, I checked my mirrors, but like, I’ll hear from You see what?

Jason Hartman 26:01
Yeah, I’m not convinced either but the jury’s out. I’ll let you know in a year. Yeah,

Dr. Lee Hieb 26:05
yeah, definitely take d3. And you know, lots of things obviously good nutrition. Now, I’m a real believer in eliminating gluten from the diet. I think when we look back in medicine and 30 years, you know, and I have a whole chapter about why your doctor is out of date and that book and this has to do again with you know, as I said, it’s just this why I’m a libertarian is because she does to everything. And every everything it touches, it poisons in some way, and it makes we’re practicing 30 year old medicine, if you’re doing a longevity show, you know this, that’s a standard medicine your doctor standardly gives you is out of date because of and one of the main reasons is the the government says the state medical boards and basically all states say their standard of care is if you’re not doing what 90% of your colleagues are doing, you’re out of date, or you’re what we consider you wrong. Well, you know, not in the old days, we consider the temperature here’s our field, but now we sump them and so people tend to go back and use your old methods just not to get trouble, but it’s not ideal. So I think we’re gonna look back and say gluten was a bad actor. It turns out there’s no question that gluten is the cause of autoimmune disease, like rheumatoid arthritis, big Scientific American article on that a few years ago, there’s books been written about that. But in my own experience, getting off gluten has changed lots of things in my health and I just in you get a better you can see it happening. And people when you get off gluten, lots of things get better. So it’s a constant foreign protein that attacks your immune system. Now it attacks people in different ways. But if you want to be as healthy as you possibly can, so you don’t die from these viruses that are going around, that’s one of the things to do.

Jason Hartman 27:39
Okay, okay, so So d3, get off gluten, take you through get off gluten, anything else to become strong like you said, you know, George Washington was just a tough deal. I think everybody wants to be right. Be tough. Yeah, you know, when when any any sort of thing goes around. It’s not just a bowl of

Dr. Lee Hieb 27:56
rice. Well, I like I said, I think gluten is a huge one and in general Get off the low carb diet. I mean, are you gonna get off the high carb diet? I mean, we were meant to be meat and fat eater paleo, really I’m not really the Paleo Paleo Diet person. You know, I’m I, I think in general, you know? Yeah, I think you need good sleep. And a lot of people we extend there’s a great book by Ts Wiley called, lights out. And it’s about the problems of extending our daylight hours to electric lights, and we really screw up our hormone production and do a lot of bad things by trying to instead of living by the sun cycle, some of the healthiest people I know are the old farmer friends I have here in Iowa live by the sun cycle when it gets dark they go to bed when it gets like they get up and go to work. Being in harmony with nature is a great idea. And I try to do that myself. Still can’t seem to sleep long enough though. But you know I do I wake up a little bit before the sun usually and dim my lights in my home so that I naturally become tired in the evenings. Oh, that’s good. Yeah, no, that’s that’s Way to go that’s what Suzanne Somers talking about how she changes her life. You know, I mean, the whole the the pillars of anti aging medicine are basically good nutrition. So that is the basis you know, good sleep. Exercise. I think I love weightlifting. I think it’s probably the most beneficial exercise you can do for yourself. We were meant to pick things up and put them down everything right? And, and and then take the right supplements and buy if you’re like, I’m 62. So it’s bioidentical hormone replacement I believe in so I do all those things. And I feel pretty good. So I’m doing what I can to but the other thing is, like I say, if it gets to the point where this is really popping up all over the place, it’s time to cancel that cruise In my opinion, what else

Jason Hartman 29:46
should we know about Ebola? So so be strong have a strong immune system. More on the government’s response and what the government is, you know, doing not doing any criticisms of government?

Dr. Lee Hieb 29:58
Well, I mean, it’s just insane. For them for the presidents, for example, to say you can’t get it on the bus and then turn around and say, but don’t get on a bus because you might give it to somebody. I mean, you know, I think a 10 year old can figure out the logical fallacy there. That’s just, you know, we, we, this is not truly airborne. It doesn’t go through Vance. You know, smallpox, in the last known case in Europe, went out the window of a German hospital into another wing and killed some student nurses. That’s airborne. Okay, this doesn’t do that. But what it does do is it gets it really comes out apparently in all of your body fluids, including sweat. So Dr. Arnold said the other night I heard him he’s, he’s one of the smart guys from the CDC. And he said, he knows two doctors is touched to patients and got and was killed by the virus. So this is not just like, you know, when they first came out and said, Oh, this is blood borne. They were making it like HIV. You know, they were so worried about people being stigmatized. They’re just so worried about the political correctness aspects. You’re not being scientific. Correct. And it’s not like HIV. Yes, it’s in the serum. It’s in the blood. But it’s but it, but HIV doesn’t come out in your sweat. It doesn’t come out in your tears. Nobody gets it from that kind of casual contact. This you do. So that’s the that’s the point. Now, the other thing we don’t know about it is how long it lives on fomites, meaning the intermediaries, you know, inanimate objects. Like when Eric Duncan was in the emergency room checking in, did he chew on the tip of the pan? You know, you know, he had his hand all over, he would vomited. He had his hands all over the desk. How long does the Ebola live on those surfaces? We don’t know. There’s one study, I just read off the NIH, the National Institutes of Health website, this senate lasts up to 50 days. Well, that could be a real problem. So I don’t think we’re out of the woods yet here. But I think it’s looking better that we don’t we’re not having a mass outbreak so far. You know, that’s assuming our government is actually telling us about who is really coming down with this. I mean, I hate to be skeptical, but these guys have not been real forthcoming and they They’ve kind of dissembled rather than be straight up about this so I have to say I want to know what happens to his fiance I want a negative as well as a positive, you know, it’s a physician when i when i when i wait to hear the news, that’s kind of the thing I wait to hear from, okay, you got home from from from touching the ball a patient’s getting exposed to a bola he comes down with it, he has a fiance presumably, at least kissed what happened to her. I want to know, you know, when I hear them,

Jason Hartman 32:26
how come we don’t know that? Amazing how

Dr. Lee Hieb 32:28
can you say that? It’s the silences? Definitely. And I that worries me a little bit because I

Jason Hartman 32:34
wouldn’t wouldn’t I mean, the media is not a lap dog. Oh, well, not completely. But, you know, why wouldn’t the media have figured that out by now? You know, I, some ambitious reporter would be, you know, anxious to break that story. Right?

Dr. Lee Hieb 32:46
Well, one would think I tell you, I’ve had my own experiences with the media as a Libertarian candidate for governor in Iowa and you say they’re not the lap dogs but they get paid. They make a lot of money from government and they don’t go against the government. So you know, in our state It almost feels like there was an edict that went out this this cycle Don’t even mention that nasty little word libertarian because they keep pesky. They keep popping up talking about the constitution and things we don’t want to talk about.

Jason Hartman 33:11
Why, hey, I, you know, when I when I talked to Steve Forbes and one of his daughters, they just told me about the second time when he ran, it was a media blackout. Yeah, they just they would not cover steve forbes right. It’s just

Dr. Lee Hieb 33:23
absurd. They have the power to tell people not to say thing. Yeah. So I have to say we don’t know if they know the other side of it is unfortunately, I with some exceptions, and I don’t mean to damn all science writers. There’s some very good science writers out there. But most of them, let’s face it, most of the reporters that are covering this are just parroting what they’re being told by somebody. And they’re not. They don’t really have the scientific background to think about that. I mean, maybe I That, to me is an obvious question. I mean, you know, we’ve heard a little bit about Duncan’s family, but we haven’t heard very much lately. I just want to know the negatives as well as the positive so to know what to think Got I know that the cost. I mean, if you look at what’s happened at Bellevue Hospital and this, this is what I’ve said, My governor in Iowa, who’s been in power as long as saddam By the way, and the guy’s a Republican, comes out and says, We’re not going to quarantine Ebola patients. And I said, I said, You know, I know this is not the hugest issue for us. And I will put really, what does that say? It says that he’s willing to say to you, okay, you just got back from Liberia. We’re treating Ebola patients and now you can not go work in the day surgeon. You can go teach fifth grade, or drive a public class or be a checkout clerk at the grocery store. I mean, really, is that what he’s saying? Because that is the alternative. There’s not much in between. And you know, and so, what I said to that what I’ve said when people ask me, I will about this, I said, Look at what just the cost of this to New York City has been, besides the subway cleansing and the bowling alley shutting down. Look at what Bellevue Bellevue Hospital is about twice as big as the University of Iowa. I mean, it’s huge. It’s a huge hospital. I think it’s bigger than St. Joe’s in it has to it had to ship all its ICU patients to another hospital, except for the two patients they’re treating because it is so staff intensive to treat those two patients safely. And because they don’t want to cross contaminate anybody else. It is extremely, there’s a huge cost to being stupid about this. That’s for sure.

Jason Hartman 35:21
Okay, so huge cons to being stupid. Certainly. Fair. I think everything you said about the government. Ebola has been around for a while, though. I mean, how is it that, you know, it seems like this is sort of a new, it’s a different strain. So you’re gonna say,

Dr. Lee Hieb 35:38
well, it’s a different strain, but that’s not the problem. The problem is transportation. So it used to be that this would break out and these little isolated villages in Sub Saharan Africa, and the villagers didn’t go anywhere. They just all died in place, essentially, you know, maybe a few would live but they didn’t go anywhere until the duty burned out. Maybe somebody would find a few people or whatever. We’ve looked for years for decades. We looked for the intermediary host somewhere in the jungle and I’m not sure they know. I don’t think they know yet. I mean, they looked at back on all sorts of stuff. We looked at what Sorry, I didn’t hear that bat. bat guano droppings from bats in caves. I mean, they tried to isolate it from some things and some animal vector where it stays alive in between human outbreaks. And I don’t think we know what that is yet. But But the point is, what has happened is we’ve paid the highways now into the deeper jungle areas. And so now somebody gets sick, there’s more of a chance they transmit out what happened in this case was a doctor actually went to one of these jungle villages got contaminated, got affected, and he drove at two miles out of that village to his local village where he got sick and died contaminated, I mean, transmitted it to other people who went to the coast. And once it got in Monrovia, and once it got into the coastal cities in Liberia, Katie bar the door that’s when it got out of control. And before anybody really knew what was going on, and then once they figured out what was going on, you know, it’s a pretty dramatic disease. Most of us have never seen a case. But those that have seen it say it’s a pretty dramatic disease just you bleed out from your orifices and you just it’s very dramatic. So that once they figured out what was going on, the problem is then you have to call them a fear. And you have to, you have to contain it. And that’s if they’ve done it right. Initially, it wouldn’t have been this damaging, but they didn’t contain him. Yeah, that’s terrible.

Jason Hartman 37:19
I really is. Anything more you want to mention about Ebola? Just, you know, Daddy, you want to talk about, you know, the military? I mean, what would happen next say it did get really bad. The other thing we got to be afraid of is like an excuse to use martial law. Some say this as an excuse to get our troops into these African countries for other reasons. You know, what do you think about our military being over there, you know, and bring them bringing it back? I think that’s really a mistake. I don’t think this is the role of our military and for once, whereas the US I mean, the UN is the World Health Organization is part of the UN if there were once in a lifetime The answer is the UN. This is I mean, I just wonder why now. But the UN as

Dr. Lee Hieb 38:01
I know it is, and I say that with some sarcasm, but I’m just saying they always want to invoke the UN for all sorts of other things. But now they want us, you know, but but I can’t think you know, I’ve personally I’m a little bit I keep saying this. And, you know, I’ve said this several times is that if, if, if the Obama administration were simply incompetent, and once in a while they would act on random chance alone and the security interests of America, but they never seem to, you know, we’ve got our troops over in Afghanistan getting chewed up for no good strategic purpose. Now we’re sending our we let our borders become porous to the point that we can’t, we’re getting other diseases By the way, like Chagas disease and multiple drug resistant TB, which is a horrible disease. That’s now that we’ve eradicated from America before pretty much and now it’s coming back. You know, thank you to this administration for leaving the borders open to these central South American disease victims. And now we’re going to send away our National Guard. I mean, to me, that’s the perfect trifecta of just degrading your success. I’m sorry, I just don’t get that. So and the other thing, I just worry about our troops because you can tell me they’re not going to be finally they’ve come out and said what they’re going to be doing over there. They sent them without telling us really what they’re going to be doing. Okay. They’re going to be building shelters and, and stations for taking care of these. Okay, fine and good, but they are in an endemic country. They’re not going to be lommy. Well, maybe they are. But our experience in the past with military in diseases in disease prone areas is they get the disease to some degree. I mean, whether we’re talking HIV or malaria, we’ve we’ve we’ve not been able to contain it and keep it out of our troops in the past when I was in the Navy, but in the past, like when we when we did extractions, and it was generally the Navy Marine Corps team that would do that in the seals. It would be an amphib ship off the coast of Liberia that would be the backup. So it looks like what they’re planning on doing now is if somebody gets sick, I noticed that the military now is building these modules that they shipped the doctor back from Africa. It’s Isolation module. It’s a one person shipment. Okay, it cost like $100,000. Some you get him back. And it was for one person? Well, if you really had a lot of people that you needed to ship back, that wouldn’t be the way to do it. So I guess the company that’s building that, that built those modules now is building these troop size modules that can fit into a troop transport, I guess, with 11 or 12. at a time, you know, we need I guess we’re going to if we’re going to do this, I mean, they have to be you have to have support for the troops. And in general, in America, if this really did become a big problem, I think we could afford to have a we need to have a center that does nothing but treat Ebola patients if it gets like that, because it again, you can’t shut down every major hospital in America to treat two patients. And that’s what we’ve seen at Bellevue. You know, they’re only four hospitals in America that actually have isolation units that can treat these things, you know, like they would do at a high level facility. So, I think that’s what we would have to make sense Makes sense. The only problem is we would have to move the Ebola patients. And yeah, that’s, this is just a huge problem, no question that we can do with these isolation units that we can do. I’m not worried about that. And we actually have on your own heart attack, they actually pull a patient into UMC because they’re one of the four hospitals University of Nebraska Medical Center, so that you know when you see the thing of it is and this is the other piece of disinformation, I think that the government put out, oh, everything’s fine. We have protocols as if a protocol is just giving a hospital has never dealt with these people. This disease, a piece of paper that tells you the steps to take is really going to answer the situation No, you need equipment, training and leadership all of which were lacking. But of course, it’s like in all fairness is like the first shots in a war never, you know, never go well because you’re not expecting but you know, when they’re talking about oh, we have we have precautions. They were talking about hospital gowns, paper downs, you know, latex gloves and non occlusive masks. That’s what we use. To help prevent staph and Pseudomonas and a hospital, that is not adequate for a bullet never was, and that’s what they sent the nurses in with. And I think, you know, it’s hard the problem there is it’s hard to take them off without contaminating yourself. In the real level for containment facilities like fort Dietrich, what they had is they have bio containment suits that have washed down and decontaminated before you take off the suit. Well, now now, I guess they’re getting more of those out there. But, you know, that’s the right I mean, I hear the CDC starting to squeak and say the right thing like we’re gonna send it we’re not expecting you guys to know how to do it. We’ll send a team to you if you have a case. Good idea, guys. That’s what you should have done. first blush. Yeah,

Jason Hartman 42:37
right. Exactly. too. too little too late. It’s, it’s a common common problem. Talk a little bit about your candidacy, if you would, for just a moment. Since you are a doctor. Of course, Ron Paul is a doctor. He’s a politician. I followed for many years. What are your thoughts about your your own candidacy, you know, just what you’re working on. And then you know, any mentions on Obamacare because it’s, you know, we’re talking Politics and doctors?

Dr. Lee Hieb 43:02
Well, you know, Ron Paul is actually a fellow member of the Association of American physicians of services. I’m one of the past presidents of that organization. And we’re kind of libertarian arm of the of organized medicine. We’re the people that actually believe that medicine is between a doctor and a patient, not between a doctor and a government bureaucrat and a patient. And we’re caught with a free market arm of organized medicine. So, you know, I wouldn’t being a libertarian is kind of a process of becoming kind of like Buddhist enlightenment. I always tell people, you know, I was a lifelong Republican, I was a very conservative person, and people say, Why’d you leave the republican party? And I said, Well, I didn’t leave them. They left me I’m still standing on the constitution to

Jason Hartman 43:42
coin to coin the Ronald Reagan phrase. I love that when he when he left the Democrats, yeah,

Dr. Lee Hieb 43:46
I did not fall in that from them. You know, I live in a state where we have a republican governor who has been our governor for the most part of the last 25 years. Yet we have the highest corporate tax rate in the nation, which possibly means The highest corporate tax rate in the world. Isn’t that sad. We have one of the top personal tax rates. We just gotten the last budget cycle, the biggest budget increase in the history of the state. You know, we have 20% more government workers per capita in the state of Iowa than they do in California. This is bad. We are regulated from the time we get up in the morning till the time we go to bed at night. And it’s by unelected immortal boards, it’s not your elected officials it’s it’s it’s like Professor hamburger at Columbia Law School says that it’s the abrogation constitutional authority, it’s it’s just taking authority unto the into the governor’s hands and setting up these administrative offices that do what exactly what the Constitution prohibits. And that is your there’s only supposed to be three ways you make law and it should start in the legislative body. You shouldn’t be able to just set up and Obamacare is a perfect example of this as is Medicare it’s not it’s not what the legislators wrote like, you know, I was on john stossel years ago when he was moved for Obamacare was first published and he brought up this big plump up papers and put it on the desk like, you know, this is good sleep medicine for your kids read the missed bill and either 2800 pages and I said to him, I said, No, that’s not really important that could be an untranslated Greek owed Obamacare. What you really need to know is it’s the one line that says we authorize Health and Human Services to write Administrative Code that carry the force of law. And that’s what we have at all levels of government, but especially our state has has really gone through this. And we, you know, here we are in Iowa, wrong, milk is illegal. I tell people if you have raw milk is illegal, you know, what, what, how do you think you’re going to be allowed choose your healthcare, or how are you going to be able to carry a weapon? I mean, let’s take back our state for liberty. That’s why I’m in this race. And honestly, I think we’ve done a lot. You know, the first thing we’ve done is we’ve raised the consciousness of Iowans, and I know that’s happening because a lady was heard in the grocery store the other day saying, you know, I didn’t know that. I think I might be a libertarian. You know, when I start, I started this race, people thought, Liberty carians wore tinfoil hats and we’re all about marijuana legalization, you know? So we’ve moved the ball. We’ve moved the football forward, and we’ve shown them No, we’re about liberty, constitutional liberties, and that no matter what your issue is, you’re free people do it better. And we just have to get back our individual liberty. The other thing I think, I think we’ve exposed you don’t even talking about the media. You know, we’ve been, we’ve been having a lot of fun with I will public TV, but they did exclude they this year, they completely excluded all third parties and independence from the debate. Now, I was one of the nine states again, when you have what I’ve learned in this, I guess the process of becoming what I’ve learned in this is we have two big parties, and they may look like they’re different. They may act in public, like they’re different on social,

Jason Hartman 46:46
they’re the same thing. They’re the same thing practically, you know,

Dr. Lee Hieb 46:49
not just practically get this one. You can’t make this stuff up in the state of Iowa right now. JACK hatch, the democrat challenger is the business partner of the GM of the Republican caucus. Winners biggest contributor. So not all,

Jason Hartman 47:03
you can make

Dr. Lee Hieb 47:04
your thoughts and so basically, because we’ve been at first we wondered why is there no evidence of campaign workers for jack cash? Well, it turns out he’s never been running against the governor. He’s been running with him. It’s been a fixed, it’s like WWF wrestling? You know,

Jason Hartman 47:18
that’s exactly the analogy I always use, you know, it’s like a wrestling match. It’s all just fake, right?

Dr. Lee Hieb 47:23
It’s a fake. It’s a fake opposition. You know, I didn’t realize how fake it was and how criminal this whole enterprise was until I got really into the race. And I’ve been watching it, and they because he owns the opposition except for me. And because he owns the media. I mean, they control the electoral process, the political machines, and I don’t care if your sister Teresa, if you’ve been in power for 20 years, you’ve taken over the evil thing that is inevitable to individual liberty and to us maintain liberty for our children. We need to we need to stop this. So if for no other reason, you need to you need to vote differently that It I mean, they can’t keep going down that road. So anyway, I will public TV refused to have us in the debates and they have all these apparently objective criteria to exclude us and one of them is you have to be a member of a real party. Well, guess what? You know, I will legislature conveniently the two big parties voted not to let the libertarians be a real party even all the way or biggest party, how convenient

Jason Hartman 48:20
or real. I mean, can you believe how disgusting that is a real party?

Dr. Lee Hieb 48:25
Well, who is it for them to decide what a real party is? How about if the people decide that? Yeah, this is unbelievable. The two party system is a complete scam. It’s just window dressing. It’s just window dressing. Unbelievable. And it’s funny to me is and I say this as a recovering Republican. It’s funny to me that I always thought we were the party of principle. And we complain about the democrats using the Saul Alinsky principle of it’s never the it’s never the issue. It’s always about consolidation of power. But now that I’m outside, I see the republicans doing exactly the same thing. And I’m not denigrating the grassroots guy. I’m talking about it’s a level of Governor of the people that are running for National Office of defeating the big national parties and the big state parties it’s about, it’s about standing in power. It’s not about doing the best for the state or the or the nation, though I can see. You know, you know, I mean, cuz we were seeing commercials that say, I gave you the biggest tax cut in the history of the state. No, Governor, you gave a few of your crony capitalists buddies, the biggest tax cuts. It’s not they didn’t give tax cuts to everybody, they get tax cuts to a few of their friends, and at the expense of all of us. And I suspect that in your state and every state that’s going on to one degree or the other. So in general, I would say it’s it before I tell people in this election cycle, particularly, it’s more important to be attached to your liberty less attached to your political party. And let’s take down the two party system. Let’s let’s you know, 60% of people want a third party on the ballot. People pride themselves in saying we vote for the candidate not for the party. Let’s really start doing that. And that’s been the message we’ve been trying to get out and I think it’s been good at it along the way. We’re making fun of I will public TV because we have a little big bird, video or big bird is invited to join the good birds club. And he thinks he should be able to go because he’s a good bird. He has vegetables and does things for his mommy. But when he gets there, his feet are too big, objective criteria. They try to spawn.

Jason Hartman 50:15
Very good point. We’ll leave give out your website and tell people where they can learn more about your campaign.

Dr. Lee Hieb 50:20
Yeah, I’m at WWW dot Hebe HIE B, it’s I before e if so it’s here. 2014 dot org, or calm in 2014 calm. And, you know, join us on Facebook and Twitter. We’re really most of the action is that all the issue papers and all the stuff is on on the website. And we appreciate anybody’s support that wants to help. You know if we’re going to save America, we got to say one state at a time. And we’re trying to make that viable right now.

Jason Hartman 50:46
Excellent. Fantastic. Well Lee, thank you so much for joining us today.

Dr. Lee Hieb 50:50
Well, thanks for inviting me. This has been fun.

Jason Hartman 50:55
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