Cannabis Therapeutics & Reform of Marijuana Laws with Clint Werner

Jason uses this Flash Back Friday episode to talk about cannabis and reform on marijuana laws. Jason hosts Clint Werner as they go through the health benefits of marijuana and how it is used to treat various diseases and ailments. Werner looks back at the history of the demonization of marijuana starting in the 1930s.

Announcer 0:00
Welcome to this week’s edition of flashback Friday, your opportunity to get some good review by listening to episodes from the past that Jason has hand picked to help you today in the present and propel you into the future. Enjoy.

Announcer 0:14
Welcome to the holistic survival show with Jason Hartman. The economic storm brewing around the world is set to spill into all aspects of our lives. Are you prepared? Where are you going to turn for the critical life skills necessary to survive and prosper? The holistic survival show is your family’s insurance for a better life. Jason will teach you to think independently to understand threats and how to create the ultimate action plan. sudden change or worst case scenario. You’ll be ready. Welcome to ballistic survival, your key resource for protecting the people, places and profits you care about in uncertain times. Ladies and gentlemen, your host Jason Hartman

Jason Hartman 1:03
Welcome to the holistic survival show. This is your host, Jason Hartman, where we talk about protecting the people, places and profits you care about in these uncertain times. We have a great interview for you today. And we will be back with that in less than 60 seconds on the holistic survival show. And by the way, be sure to visit our website at holistic survival calm, you can subscribe to our blog, which is totally free, has loads of great information, and there’s just a lot of good content for you on the site. So make sure you take advantage of that at holistic survival calm, we’ll be right back. It’s my pleasure to welcome Clint Warner to the show. He is the author of marijuana gateway to help and you know, I think this subject in our culture is largely under discussed so I wanted to do a show on it and my grandmother was affected with Alzheimer’s very severe and eventually died from it. And I thought we’d hear about some of the benefits. I can’t imagine she would ever touch this stuff. But tell us about your book and what some of the health benefits are.

Clint Werner 2:04
Well, the amazing thing is many of us have known or heard about the palliative effects of marijuana for vomiting from chemotherapy, and nausea, and also for treatment of glaucoma. But the science is really very new in terms of cannabis and cannabinoids. And no one really knew until the late 90s, or early part of this new century that we even had what’s called an endocannabinoid system, and that we produce chemicals that are cannabinoids in our bodies, which regulate our health. Almost every system of our health is affected by these cannabinoids

Jason Hartman 2:44
so a cannabinoid Is that something found in marijuana,

Clint Werner 2:48
it it will the plant also which is the really miraculous thing about this plant is it produces Phyto cannabinoids plant cannabinoids that are very very similar in molecular structure. To the cannabinoids that our bodies produce. And that is the reason why marijuana has such a broad range of therapeutic effects and preventive effects even on so many illnesses, because these molecules from the plant, they supplement the activity, the pro health activity of our own naturally produced endocannabinoids from our bodies.

Jason Hartman 3:26
And so well, gosh, I mean, where do I go here? There’s so much to talk about, let’s maybe back off from the health benefits for a moment here. And let’s talk about why does marijuana have such a bad name? For example, why can’t you get the word out about this kind of stuff better? What is the suppression going on? And why is it so interesting? I mean, you know, I’ve often heard people say, Clint, they compare it to alcohol. And some people say, well, the alcohol industry just has a better lobby, and that’s why you don’t have legalization. Let’s talk about some of that. And You’re an activist for normal, I guess. And that’s the National Organization for the reform of marijuana laws and reading your bio here. Let’s talk a little bit about that side of it if we could.

Clint Werner 4:09
Well, what’s fascinating you know, Jason, you mentioned your grandmother, and I’m depending on how old she was. It’s possible that in her youth she used cannabis medicines, marijuana medicines, because there were tinctures and pills and extracts that were available until the late 30s, early 40s. as standard remedies they were called Indian hemp preparations or cannabis preparations. And then there was this whole reefer madness campaign, which took the name marijuana and use that which was a term of affection from Mexican culture because it was a plant that was really appreciated as a fault medicine and also as a euphoric, euphoric agent. And they demonized it and they just put the full power of the federal government behind the demonizing this plant and the use of it, and then through the 40s and 50s. They linked it up with heroin and cocaine in the broad terms of dope the category of dope. And it really wasn’t until the 60s when a large population began to experiment with marijuana, again, it moved into sort of the mainstream middle class youth, the white youth, and it intersected the use affected a broad enough population that it intersected with some people who were seriously ill and they found that it worked for them. And that’s how we’ve sort of had this renaissance of medical marijuana because people found out that the reefer madness campaign was really a pack of lies and not based in science but in superstition and bigotry.

Jason Hartman 5:48
So why why was it demonized? I mean, why was if there were products using various extract extracts and so forth up until I think you said the 40s and my grandmother was born in 19. 12 I think she was 96 when she passed away, so where the demonization come from

Clint Werner 6:06
it started in the 30s with Harry anslinger. It’s really interesting. What really looks to have happened is that as prohibition was repealed, there was a huge population, a huge group of federal agents who didn’t have jobs then revenues. And so they targeted cannabis. And Randolph Hearst who had the chain of papers chain of newspapers throughout our country. He conducted the reefer madness hysteria campaign about youth who were using marijuana or x murdering their parents and it was making white women go out and have sexual relations with black men. And this was the it was just this whole horrible campaign that just drummed it into people that this was only something that degenerates and lowlifes would use and then it’s really harmful and will just wreck you Physically and morally, and on and on, they kept on and hammered it and hammered it and the American Medical Association was bullied into compliance and they cease their resistance to it, which they initially had was. they protested the criminalization of these remedies, but the Narcotics Bureau boy them into compliance, and we ended up with this really sad state of affairs where this incredible therapeutic plant has just been blockaded from use by humanity.

Jason Hartman 7:33
Well, that’s quite an interesting history. I never knew this stuff, what you what you’ve shared here. So basically, the genesis of it is the government trying to expand their power in bureaucracy and keep themselves employed basically,

Clint Werner 7:48
that sounds like the start right? Right. It might make work effort innocent

Jason Hartman 7:52
as it is with so many things in government and that thus my one of my many reasons for my disdain for government, but with Kind of interesting about it is that if you look at government and laws and so forth, really the government outlaws anything that changes one state except alcohol I mean, I guess you could say nicotine and caffeine change your state and other things do to to a lesser degree, but alcohol is the the main one that that can really induce massive state changes, but everything that’s changes your state is is illegal, except alcohol and the nicotine.

Clint Werner 8:26
Right, right. But and I think caffeine is a good point because I really find that cannabis marijuana’s effects are much more similar to caffeine than to alcohol because alcohol is so thoroughly impairing, and you just don’t find that with marijuana. I’ve gone to a lot of cannabis festivals, and there are people there who are ingesting very large amounts of marijuana and hashish and you don’t see people staggering around no one’s falling into any one set up. No one’s picking a fight. No one’s throwing up in the corner. Oh it to me. It’s is more of a mood altering effect. More like caffeine instead of caffeine is a stimulant and cannabis is a little bit more of a relaxant and a thought provoking agent. Although there are some strains of cannabis that have some some type of stimulant effects sort of motivating, which most people don’t know that there’s something that can get you up and moving. Well, don’t we have to go Clint to talk about this? Honestly, don’t we have to make the distinction between marijuana of the olden days you know, where it got so popular in the 60s and so forth in the 70s. And then marijuana today that is far more powerful, and maybe that additional power is more dangerous? Well, not physiologically or organically because the compounds if you have more cannabinoids, you’re just getting more of the beneficial compounds. And there was a study with rats and mice that found that the more they ingested orally, the less cancer they got, and the longer they live. And they really does those rats and mice up. So the issue with potency is that in the 60s and 70s, most of the cannabis was imported from Colombia or Mexico. And it was grown outside in mass and it was seeded, there was some really exceptionally strong marijuana available if you knew the right people from Hawaii, or Thailand, and what people did you know, it’s funny, they say that marijuana makes people a motivated, not, you know, really motivated to engage in life and accomplish things but the marijuana growers and aficionados took the plant, and they really managed to through selective breeding to take that as best plants available, optimize the conditions in which they’re grown and take them from sort of plantations to more boutique cultivation and just really optimize what they have. So you do have a greater than The government wants to make it sound like there’s some sort of Franken weed out there, that’s really dangerous. It’s just that people have taken the strongest cannabis available and made it far more available to a broader range of people.

Jason Hartman 11:13
So what did they do? How did it get more powerful? Did they just learn how to grow? It was a genetically modified? I mean, what what? How can we got so much more powerful from the 60s and 70s to the modern version of it?

Clint Werner 11:25
Well, it was produced in mass in the 60s and 70s in these plantations down south and South America, Central America, and it was seeded, so when it’s seeded, you have less volume of potency, because you’ve got the seeds, which you can’t really use other than to cultivate or to eat. But that’s another story. So what the hippies did, essentially, you couldn’t really grow that type. There’s two, two strains of two forms of marijuana there cityville and indika. So tiva needs a tropical environment and it matures very slowly and it doesn’t produce a whole lot of volume. The indika from more mountainous cooler regions matures much more quickly. The harvest is a shorter time. And so they started hybridizing these plants so that they could grow in North America, because the tropical plants could not grow before the season went bad that they hybridize got plants that were really potent that they could harvest here in North America. Then when ronald reagan launched his campaign against marijuana production, and started a paramilitary assault on outdoor cultivation in Hawaii in Northern California, people went inside. And I think that might be one of the issues that people are experiencing when they have some people who smoked in the 60s and 70s and 80s. Try some of the pot today and they have uncomfortable experiences. And I think some of that because indoor grown cannabis, it’s really strong, but because it’s not been exposed to the sun, I find it a little imbalanced and it’s not as smooth it’s not as useful. It gets a little more insistent in the effects

Jason Hartman 13:03
and you’re really a kind of sewer it sounds like if you just change the words around you’re describing a fine wine their

Clint Werner 13:10
son, you know, I wrote through the wine country recently and I just looked at all these hills covered with vineyards and want grape vines. And I thought, gosh, that should be cannabis. Oh. And the reason and that was was shortly after I had a rather bad burn on my hand, and I have an ointment Mary Jane’s sab, cannabis infused, and it was hurting up to my elbow. 30 You know, I grabbed a pot that was too close to a burner on the counter, burned a couple of fingers and my thumb and it was just hurting all the way up to my elbow when slapped on some of the sap because I’ve heard it’s good for burns. The pain stopped 100% within like 15 seconds, no blistering, no redness. It was amazing. And I just said they should have this remedy this burn remedy in every burn center and every first responder Truck vehicle in the nation, if not the world,

Jason Hartman 14:04
yeah, well, there’s all these powers that be that control all of this stuff. But you know, you have to admit, though, Clint, I mean, are you recommending that people smoke it? Is that where the health benefits come from? Or do they get an appeal? Like, you know, I know some cancer patients can get prescriptions and so forth, or pain meds, I think they can get pill THC pills, I believe. Yeah, that’s

Clint Werner 14:23
that stuff just does not work the way cannabis does. It’s essentially a synthetic version of THC isolated from all the other plant components. It’s not even isolated. It’s taken out of the context removed completely from the nature of the plant and its supportive components because there are components in the plant besides THC that work with THC to support its effects, and the synthetic THC just does not have the effects. Now, smoking has problems. The interesting thing is that chronic long term marijuana smokers have been shown to have up to a 37% reduction In the likelihood of developing lung cancer when compared to non smokers,

Jason Hartman 15:05
well, that’s what I was going to ask you about. I mean, it must be bad for your lungs.

Clint Werner 15:10
Well, the smoke is very similar in some of its harmful gas and particulate matter profiles to that of tobacco. But the interesting thing is that you don’t have nicotine, which is an irritating and constricting chemical, but you have THC, which is an anti inflammatory compound, which actually expands the airways instead of practicing them. And THC has powerful anti tumor activity, it attacks tumors and prevents them from producing blood vessels to feed themselves. It also triggers a what’s called a pop ptosis which is targeted cell death in tumors. So that’s why you see chronic long term marijuana smokers actually having a lower cancer risk lung cancer risk, then people who don’t smoke anything but they ization is the way to go for patients if you’re going to do an inhalation method, because it liberates the healing compounds and creates none of the harmful smoke. So you just get the good without having to get over the hurdle of the bad. But there’s also teachers, there are pills. There’s sprays that people can administer under the tongue. And that’s what the state legalization here in California and Colorado and other states has done. It’s permitted this to be taken out of the context of the black market where you’re not going to be able to get a topical sab or a remedy that is low potency and calculated to relieve suffering but not get you high or a strain of marijuana that has a low THC and a high CBD which is another cannabinoid that has no psychoactive effect ratio so you can get CBD which has anti breast cancer affects anti epilepsy effects and seems to work against diabetes either But it won’t get you high but you’re not going to be able to get that from a street dealer.

Jason Hartman 17:04
Very interesting. See if it were legal people would really have access to all these other options.

Clint Werner 17:09
Right? Right, because I always make the point that the closing the dispensary’s is just so idiotic and short sighted because the stoners are going to get their weed. It’s the cancer patients and the Alzheimer’s patients and the people who have chronic pain, who have never been part of cannabis culture, High Times life. They don’t know where and you can’t get these things unless you go to a dispensary because the dispensary is contract with people who who produce these. And and it’s only when you have a plethora, a large amount of cannabis grown, that you can experiment in producing these remedies where we’re reviving a whole branch of medicine that was lost back in the 30s.

Jason Hartman 17:58
And what about the people who say Well, they used to put cocaine and Coca Cola. That wasn’t good right? Just because it was done in the past up until the up until the 30s 40s. You can use cocaine as a medicine in the United States though and you cannot use cannabis as a medicine in the United States so but what what what is cocaine good for I mean, that’s a medicine.

Clint Werner 18:18
It’s a it’s an anesthetic and it works for you know, numbing, especially I think in dental and ocular surgery, and a bill I believe that it actually is a pretty effective migraine remedy. I personally have no interest in cocaine for anything unless it works when I’m at the dentist or god forbid I had to get a surgery. But there are medical uses for it. And it’s a schedule two drug whereas cannabis is a schedule one drug that says it has no medical uses and a high risk of abuse.

Jason Hartman 18:49
Tell us about those schedules, if you would, people have probably heard of them. But what are what’s on the schedule and how does it work?

Clint Werner 18:55
Well, they were developed by john Mitchell who was Nixon’s Attorney General hinchman because Timothy Leary had the old marijuana Tax Act thrown out, he was arrested for a joint by a federal agents in a customs area when trying to cross into Mexico. And I think it was sentenced to 37 years. And he appealed the sentence because the old Tax Act that had corrupt had criminalized marijuana. In other words, it was a Federal Tax Act if you didn’t pay and get a tax stamp for your marijuana, which was not available anyway. Sort of a catch 22 then you could be charged with a crime. Well, they found that if he had declared the marijuana and tried to pay the tax, he would be declaring himself guilty of state law in Texas,

Jason Hartman 19:42
so that’d be like a fifth amendment violation, right.

Clint Werner 19:45
Yeah, double double jeopardy or whatever. And so it would be a criminal if he’s incriminating himself. Yeah, he would be to comply with federal law would mean incriminating himself at the state level.

Jason Hartman 19:58
This is why they get a lot of They really what they get the drug dealers for is tax evasion.

Clint Werner 20:02
Right right they frequently and so that’s what how they’re trying to shut down the dispensary is actually so anyway the the old old marijuana Tax Law Act was thrown out right in 1969. The Summer of Woodstock oxide there were no federal laws against marijuana during the period of Woodstock. So they crafted this new approach which was scheduling the controlled substance scheduling procedure. And it was not conceived of or or implemented by a physician or medical expert. It was a right wing lawyer with a bias against any kind of cannabis or psychedelic use heavy bias. So what they did was they put marijuana in schedule one, which means it has no medical use and a high threat for abuse along with heroin and LSD and some other compounds. Shocking

Jason Hartman 21:00
I never knew that. I mean, so the government really thinks of marijuana like it does LSD and heroin.

Clint Werner 21:08
Oh, absolutely. That’s that’s how that which which is easy. It is crazy and even one of the men who had researched cannabis with the Veterans Administration, and I have Dr. Hot Hollister. He said that he found it just insane and absurd and no medical professional he had spoken to could see any reason for implementing this schedule. And because it would make a mockery of respect for the government’s authority in advising people what substances are harmful? In other words you have methamphetamine was a schedule two, but cannabis was schedule one. So they were saying that cannabis is more harmful than methamphetamine and cocaine.

Jason Hartman 21:52
That’s it. That’s it. That is absolute insanity. I mean, meth has got to be the most dangerous drug in the world. I have heard stories I have seen documentaries. That is one scary substance. I mean, it’s the fastest

Clint Werner 22:05
road to hell in the drug world by far. And so they they did this and there was a move to challenge this and to say, Well, no, this can’t be right. So there was a presidential commission in paneled Nixon stacked with far right ideologues, but they looked at the evidence, and after they look to the evidence and traveled and really studied marijuana and cannabis, they went to Afghanistan, and looked at the hash fields. And anyway, they came back and they said, our suggestion is that criminalization is far more harmful than use. We recommend legalizing personal use and exchanges of small amounts for no financial gain, and continue criminalization of massive cultivation and importation until we can see how this plays out. And then maybe try to wrestle with that in the future. And Nixon buried, he rejected it. So that’s how marijuana is still schedule one. And let me even give you something that’s even more horrifying and shocking. So in the United States, there is a congressional mandate that prevents any real research into marijuana’s benefits. You cannot conduct research in the United States. In you cannot get do a study conducted study that is fine to show benefits to assess if marijuana has a benefit. Are you kidding me? So, no, you can you cannot, you cannot study the product in or benefit for harm only the National Institute on Drug Abuse is the gatekeeper for research grade marijuana and for funding and approval for studies on controlled substances. And their congressional mandate is to only study harm or chemistry.

Jason Hartman 23:55
Well, wait a sec, wait a sec. I think there’s a distinction here though. That’s if you want to get funding. I mean, the government won’t

Clint Werner 24:02
get material. The only source for marijuana to study is National Institute on Drug Abuse. You have to go through them to get research marijuana,

Jason Hartman 24:11
okay, but you could buy it from a drug dealer and study it in your lab.

Clint Werner 24:15
You’re not now because that’s not going to be approved by your human research committee at your supervising institution, or any of the state boards or the FDA. You have to go through nine and nine is the only approved source for research marijuana in the United States.

Jason Hartman 24:33
This is insane. I mean, in a country where we have a First Amendment freedom of speech, freedom of expression, that is unbelievable

Clint Werner 24:42
as Dr. Abrams, Donald aimers, who has researched one of the few people who’s done research in human beings with cannabis had he tried twice to do study to see if it benefited people with AIDS to for weight gain appetite and it was rejected twice when he pitched it as a harm assessment study to see if marijuana interfered with AIDS drug absorption, and then included secondary values to find benefit. It was sort of a Trojan horse effort. That’s how you have to try and do it. And no one does it. Because it’s so discouraged. And it’s so hard to do, and there’s no funding support. And then some of the major journals have hostility to publishing any research that shows beneficial outcome.

Jason Hartman 25:26
Yeah, you know, I tell you, I had a little bit of concern about doing a show on this actually. You know, so it’s kind of same thing. I want to ask you to two questions right now, first of all, what do you say to the gateway drug argument? People say that, gosh, if someone starts smoking pot, they’re gonna end up doing LSD and heroin and cocaine and meth. Before you know it. What about that?

Clint Werner 25:48
Well, there’s no scientific support. That’s just a myth that has been perpetrated by the government. Studies have shown that marijuana use does not prime rats or mice to use cocaine. heroin. And there’s also a quote from my book I just turned to it. Statistics show that over 40% of Americans have ever used marijuana, while only 1.3% have used heroin. That’s a pretty poor conversion rate for a gateway drug. You know, people don’t go leap from cannabis marijuana to heroin. If there is any association of transferring marijuana from marijuana use to other drug use it is from the illegality, or someone goes to buy from a dealer and there’s a polydrug assortment at the dealers and he’s trying to get them encourage them out. You know, you like this week. Maybe you want to try this. Maybe you want to try it. Look what I got over here. That’s the real gateway drug is criminalization.

Jason Hartman 26:48
Well, that’s that’s an interesting point because it’s the it’s the drug dealer trying to expand their product line and upgrade their customer. That’s where the conversion occurs. Hmm. So Clint, if If the US government is just making it virtually impossible to research health benefits to do anything, it’s schedule one. That’s mind boggling to me. I never knew that what goes on in other countries? I mean, Portugal, recently, I guess, decriminalize all drugs, I believe I can’t remember. But I remember reading or hearing that somewhere. Talk Talk about what goes on around the world. With this, you know, are other countries researching health benefits, many of them have organizations similar to our FDA, what what happens elsewhere?

Clint Werner 27:32
Well, a lot of the research, our government reaches beyond its borders and funds a lot of international research. So it also controls a lot of international research. But fortunately, there are some independent researchers scientists out there who have decided to really look at this because the indications are so fascinating about what these molecules these Phyto cannabinoids do, in terms of human biology, how they just I fit right into our chemistry and seem to amplify the good and suppress the heart. A lot of the actual molecules, the cannabinoids were first discovered in Israel and they are doing a lot of research in terms of actually finding applications for human use their post traumatic stress disorder soldiers, soldiers who are having issues with that are being prescribed marijuana now, and so they’ve actually embraced it. You can get medical marijuana in the Netherlands, which is interesting because they have coffee shops, but they also have pharmaceutical grade marijuana available. And a lot of this, the research that shows benefits is done in Spain is real Italy. That’s where a lot of this is done because it’s discouraged and here in the United States and we can’t get it done. It’s a shame we’re losing. We should be the leaders In this, let me take a brief pause. We’ll be back in just a minute.

Clint Werner 29:06
What’s great about the shows you’ll find on Jason is that if you want to learn about some cool new investor software, there’s a show for that. If you want to learn why Rome fell, Hitler rose, and Enron failed. There’s a show for that. If you want to know about property evaluation technology on the iPhone, there’s a show for that. And if you’d like to know how to make millions with mobile homes, there’s even a show for that. Yep. There’s a show for just about anything, only from Jason or type in Jason Hartman in the iTunes Store.

Jason Hartman 29:50
I’ve got to say, though, you know, I’ve been to Amsterdam a couple of times and my first time there, you know, I’m pretty much a libertarian. I don’t like government getting in my way and or anybody Also, I mean, we need government but I think it should be an incredibly limited because every time government expands our freedom diminishes. You know, I saw a good quote recently, the larger the government, the smaller the citizen. And I think that sums it up pretty well. But remember going to Amsterdam the first time thinking we should legalize at least pot in the US, maybe not other drugs. Those seem pretty dangerous, but but at least pot should be legalized. And after I was there for I think it was there for two days. I thought it was kind of scummy. I don’t know, I didn’t. I sort of didn’t have the same view when I came back. Do you have any comments on that? I don’t know. If you do. Maybe it’s just sort of an anecdotal observation. But

Clint Werner 30:39
yeah, I don’t I don’t know. I guess that’s sort of not my experience. I went there and but you know, I’m an old hippie.

Jason Hartman 30:47
You’re gonna do live in San Francisco.

Clint Werner 30:50
Yeah, I don’t mind the Julian sweat so much. But people tend to focus on that. That’s what you tend to see. I guess and people associate it because of the brainwashing that That’s what you expect that I would say for every sort of freaky looking, you know, slacker there is. I would I think there probably five achievers who

Jason Hartman 31:11
Well, yeah, no, I agree. I mean, I know a lot of very successful people who smoke pot, you know, I’m not saying the hippie looking people. I just thought, you know, I saw like, condom wrappers in the, in the gutter in the street and syringes laying around. That’s what I was referring to when I was yesterday ever saw any of that? Yeah. I don’t know. Maybe they cleaned it up. They don’t like picking up after their dogs over there either. They love dogs, but I hate that.

Clint Werner 31:35
Yeah, dogs and I, you know, you gotta pick up

Jason Hartman 31:38
Yeah, definitely. What’s interesting about this is that it sort of seems like it’s the government wants to regulate our state of mind. And you know, what I was saying earlier, except alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, some other things. I guess. It sort of begs the question, What business is it of the government to regulate one state of mind? I mean, if Someone wants to engage in escapism? What is the government have a say in that? I’m not even saying it’s necessarily a healthy behavior. But the fact is people do it. Why does the government have a say in that just sort of seems wrong to me?

Clint Werner 32:13
Well, it is wrong. In my opinion. I don’t think that the government should be able to tell me how I think what I think and what I express from what I think. But what you mentioned was what business is it of the government’s and tragically, this is exactly what we’re seeing. It is a business of the government’s to continue this prohibition of cannabis because it feeds people fairly compliant, passive people in to the prison industrial complex, which is now turning into sort of a make work, an employment agency for private corporations, slave slave labor, for private corporations. And that’s a little A lot of the reason I see the government being resistance resistant to legalization, the the whole prison industrial complex, the billions of dollars that goes into law enforcement and maintaining prisons, and then you have the resistance from the pharmaceutical industry, which has a lot of power, because if these remedies become widely available, they’re far less harmful, many over the counter orchestra, prescription drugs, and yet they’re far more effective.

Jason Hartman 33:28
Yeah, well, they, you know, obviously, when we didn’t even really talk about the entrenched interest in the pharmaceutical industry and how they don’t want to see alternatives like this that are cheap or almost basically free from nature. They want to sell these synthetic drugs that have terrible side effects. I’ve done shows on it. I mean, especially these mental quote, health unquote, drugs, right? They’re unbelievable. Oh my God, I’ve seen it

Clint Werner 33:53
firsthand. You take those drugs, and they don’t work because your body starts to compensate. Hate and it, it’s terrible.

Jason Hartman 34:02
Yeah, yeah. Whether it be Adderall, Xanax, Prozac and those types of drugs, I think those things are extremely dangerous.

Clint Werner 34:10
I just, I just plug a book from my friend Dr. Andrew Weil at spontaneous happiness in which he talks about the whole chemistry of happiness. And, and all that’s a great book.

Jason Hartman 34:20
Good Good to know. Well, hey, give out your website and tell people where they can get your book.

Clint Werner 34:25
I website is www marijuana gateway to, one string of characters marijuana gateway to And I’m on Facebook, the books available through Amazon. It’s the Barnes and Noble online nook and Kindle. You can go to your bookstores, please go to an independent bookstore and buy a book. Help them out and order it. That would be great,

Jason Hartman 34:51
good stuff. And then finally, I just want to ask you, Clint, are there any action steps people can take if if they believe what You’re saying, should they donate money to normal? Should they? How do they get involved? Maybe you’ve talked about this in the book you probably do.

Clint Werner 35:07
They get mad because everyone’s being robbed of their legacy of natural health care by keeping this incredible plant ally of humanity, criminalized, it makes no sense. It It is the most promising biologically active plant known to mankind, and we can’t utilize it. So you should get mad. You should write very angry letters to your legislators, call them ask them why they don’t care about cancer or Alzheimer’s and pain patients. We have senators here boxer and Feinstein they’re worthless on this, you know, for 96 we pass this and they’ve done nothing to defend the patients in California who use it. They’re completely absent. And we need to start humiliating these people the way that the activists did during the AIDS crisis. Take off the gloves and just Get in their faces and really humiliate make it hard put pressure on these people because they are engaging in criminal activity that is rooted in bigotry and primitivism from last century, and they’re hurting people.

Jason Hartman 36:14
And what’s funny about boxer and Feinstein is they’re liberals say they are, were you? Well, yeah, you know, it’s like the republicans have the right Oh, and name only maybe there’s a line Oh, a liberal in name only?

Clint Werner 36:24
Well, you know, Jason, I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m a liberal, but I don’t know if I’m a democrat anymore. Well, it’s like you were saying, a government encroachment on freedom. It’s an ending

Jason Hartman 36:35
Well, that’s the problem. And that’s where the two political parties I think they kind of have to meet because, and one in the liberals like big government, and that means there’s more influence from the big corporations because they’re basically running the government. So boxer and Feinstein are probably sold out to the pharmaceutical cartel and they’re certainly against any of this stuff that you talk about. So that’s that’s the problem.

Clint Werner 36:58
One does wonder how Diane Feinstein and master fortune of 40 to $90 million while working in the Senate.

Jason Hartman 37:05
Yeah. That’s a very good question, my friend, maybe a topic for another show. But it’s a very good question. Well, hey, Clint, thank you so much. Yeah, this was very interesting talk and keep up your work out there and keep getting the word out there. If, if nothing else, it’s an issue of freedom. If nothing else, not an issue of health or anything else, but

Clint Werner 37:24
but just but it is a big issue of health and freedom. And people really need to educate themselves, read my book, marijuana gateway to help that has footnotes, justified scientific studies, and then argue, make argument.

Jason Hartman 37:39
Good, good stuff. Well, thanks so much, and talk to you soon. And I really appreciate it.

Announcer 37:49
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