Month: October 2012

Going Off the Grid

Jason Hartman, like most survival preppers, is aware that our massive deficits and crushing debt – both nationally and personally throughout the country – are leading to years of...

Surviving Halloween

Halloween is going to happen and there’s not much you can do about it. Psychologically, Jason Hartman likes to remind you it’s easier to roll with the flow than fight the...

How to Find Other Preppers

While there is much to be said for making survival preparations for your own family, this is one situation where there is power in numbers, and it is probably worth your time to...

Stocks Are Not Contrarian Investing

We were perusing the latest postings at one of our favorite financial “survivalist” blogs when we noticed a pattern. The contrarian investing style touted by these...

Everyday Items with Extraordinary Uses

There are various was to use debt to help you prepare for a financial crisis and the possibility of civil unrest and complete havoc. Jason Hartman recommends taking advantage of...

Multi-Use Products to Stockpile

Jason Hartman loves to say, “Debt is my favorite four-letter word.” That seems like an odd statement coming from someone who advises others on acquiring wealth. Yet Jason has a...

Atlas Shrugged – Sometimes a Movie Matters

We’re not going to sit here and pretend that tomorrow’s release of the conclusion to the cinematic adaptation of Ayn Rand’s classic dystopian novel, Atlas Shrugged, is likely to...

Fire Safety: Before, During, After

Preparedness is the important key in all crises, but being prepared doesn’t always equate to prevention. However, in some cases, as in fire safety, preparations can prevent fires...

Dangerous Snakes

If you spend any time out in nature, you are familiar with the dangers of poisonous snakes. In TEOTWAWKI situations, you may be forced to forage out in the woods further than you...