Month: August 2012

Bartering to Survive a Crisis

Jason Hartman’s philosophy is to take out a long-term, fixed-rate loan to purchase packaged commodities, such as rental property. With the current high rate of inflation, you are...

Build a Campfire for Survival Cooking

You never know when a situation may arise when you are forced to be without electricity for days on end. No stove. No convenience of the microwave. You may possibly even be...

Free Emergency Preparedness Mobile Apps

Being prepared in the face of disaster is necessary not only as a way to help you physically during the crisis, but also to mentally strengthen you to cope with the stress of the...

Keeping Cash for Emergencies

Having cash available in times of disaster might mean the difference between survival and crisis. Access to ATMs and banks can be limited during times of natural emergencies....

Living in a Tiny House

We live in a materialistic world that bases success on the size of your house, the cost of your car, and the amount of “stuff” you own. Yet more and more people are coming to the...

Medicinal Herbal Kitchen Garden

Medicinal Herbal Kitchen Garden

s a society, we’ve become quite dependent upon bottled medicines and visits to the doctor’s office. One way to be prepared for the future is to learn about medicinal herbs and...

72 Hour Kit for Emergencies

Hurricane Isaac is heading towards the Gulf Coast and individuals in Florida’s panhandle, Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi are preparing for the worst. We have seen tornadoes...